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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Skidmore chapter.

While much is discussed about what types of clothing fit and flatter certain body types, the color of the clothing is often overlooked; nothing speaks louder about who we are than the colors we wear. Something I have continuously underestimated and ignored in my day-to-day routine of getting ready for school or going out is the color of clothing I choose to wear. But color can impact how you feel about yourself, how others perceive you, and what kind of attention you draw to yourself. This is why it can be essential to understand and delve into the psychology of colors. 

Whether you’re picking out a professional outfit for a job interview, a first date, or even a revenge outfit, understanding how colors influence your mood and confidence can affect how the people around you perceive you. In this article, you can understand more about what colors can help you form the impression you’re hoping to make.  

The Psychology of Color:

Colors can be more than just a choice someone chooses to wear based on preference. Colors can allow you to communicate without talking, influence, and inspire you and the people around you. Colors have a psychological impact not only on your mood but also on how others perceive you. Below, I have given a bit of explanation into each color and what occasion it is most suitable for:

  • Red is associated with energy, passion, and confidence. Wearing red is good if you are trying to grab the attention of people around you. It exudes boldness and can increase heart rates… so do what you will with that information. It is an excellent color for when you want to feel powerful and attract attention. For example, a date night or night out at the bar would be a perfect time to wear red.
  • Pink represents compassion and warmth. Wearing pink can bring calmness and tenderness to you and the people around you. It is an excellent choice for a first date or a situation where you hope to project a sense of kindness and approachability.
  • Orange can bring a sense of enthusiasm and adventure. It’s energetic like red but less intense, making you feel adventurous and social. Orange is a great color if you’re trying to step outside your comfort zone. 
  • Yellow is a color for happiness and optimism. Wearing yellow can uplift your mood and spread positivity to those around you. It is excellent for social events or when you need a mental boost.
  • Green is often associated with nature, growth, and renewal. It has a calming effect and can symbolize balance. When you need a moment of zen, green is the go-to color, as it will help you feel more grounded and connected to your surroundings.
  • Blue represents calmness and reliability. While lighter blues create a sense of peace, making them great for a yoga or meditation class, darker shades of blue convey authority and seriousness and could be worn during a job interview or presentation. Wearing blue can make you appear trustworthy and composed, making it a perfect choice for important situations or days when you need to stay cool under pressure.
  • Purple represents luxury and royalty. Wearing purple can make you feel and appear more distinguished or sophisticated. It is the perfect color to wear when you need a confidence boost.
  • Black symbolizes power, elegance, and mystery. It is timeless and slimming, all while projecting sophistication. Wearing it can boost confidence, especially when you want to feel in control or need to make a bold impression.
  • Brown is rounded and dependable. It is often associated with security and comfort and can make you feel more down-to-earth. Brown is perfect for relaxed settings or when you need to bring a sense of stability to your day.
  • Gray represents neutrality and balance. It can be sophisticated and understated, making it a versatile color for projecting practicality. If you want to focus without drawing too much attention to yourself, gray is the color to wear.
  • White signifies purity and simplicity. If you want a refreshing and uncluttered look, white is a great option. It can help you feel clear-headed and bring a sense of new beginnings. 


Next time you reach into your closet, think about more than just the fit or cut of your clothes—consider the message your colors send out. The right color can do more than boost your confidence—it can help you draw a certain amount of attention to yourself, and it can change your mood and overall persona. 

Whether you’re wearing red to command attention or green to feel calm and grounded, the overlooked power of color can help you project the image and energy you want.  

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Sophia Landrey

Skidmore '27

Hi, I'm Sophia! I attend Skidmore college and live in NY. I really like fashion, shopping, working out, watching movies, and listening to music.