Today is Valentine’s Day, a day that is supposed to be full of love. For me, I think that Valentine’s Day is more a day to appreciate the amazing friends that I have.
Valentine’s Day does not have to be about “romantic love,” it can be whatever you want it to be … love of the outdoors, love for family, love for friends, and love for all you hold dear in life.
Everyday should be a day to appreciate those around us, but I think that Valentine’s Day especially is one of those days.
February the 14th may just be a cheesy Hallmark holiday that makes single people sad, but it does not have to be this way, everything is what you make of it.
If I have learned anything over the course of my time in college thus far it’s that everything is what you make of it, and if you keep trying almost everything works out in the end!
Love means so many different things to so many different people, each relationship gives love a new meaning, and this Valentine’s Day, let’s embrace that!
Happy Valentine’s Day to all!