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Easy Meat-Free Meal Ideas From A Vegetarian

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

It is safe to say that plant-based eating has become much more popular over the decade. According to Forbes Magazine, “The number of U.S. consumers identifying as vegan grew from 1% to 6% between 2014 and 2017, a 600% increase.” Whether it be for health and/or personal reasons or helping the environment, many people are hopping on the meat-free train. When I have talked to friends and family about going vegetarian though, there are usually two concerns that come to their minds. The first is that they feel like every recipe they find online is really labor-intensive and takes way too long to make. The second concern is that it is really expensive, especially when you eat out a lot.

I have been vegetarian for 15 years now, and I still understand the concern of how expensive fake meat is and how much easier it is to just order DoorDash than cook sometimes. After being in an apartment in college and having to buy my own groceries though, I have found some affordable and easy meal ideas that are completely meat-free.

Breakfast Ideas

One of the easiest breakfasts I have started going to is oatmeal or overnight oats. You have probably seen overnight oats on social media, but oatmeal is a great source of iron and fiber, and is super easy to make and customize. My personal favorite way to eat my oatmeal right now is with cinnamon, brown sugar and chunks of apple.

If you’re more of a savory person, omelets are a great source of protein and, once again, incredibly customizable. Although it might take a couple of tries to get the technique perfect, it is an awesome party trick to learn and, once you get the hang of it, usually takes less than ten minutes. I usually put cheese, spinach and onions in my omelets, but you can do whatever your heart desires.

If you’re looking for a vegan version of savory breakfast, try a tofu scramble. You simply mash up the tofu to a scrambled egg consistency and cook it like you’d cook eggs, usually with some nutritional yeast to give the tofu that yellow cover. You can add any mix-ins you want, and a block of tofu, which is usually under $5, can last you three to four servings!

Lunch Ideas

One of my favorite lunches to make is chickpea or lentil pasta. Pasta is a super easy thing to make in bulk for meal prep and is super versatile in how you can make it. By choosing a chickpea or lentil variety, you can also add a bunch of iron and protein into your meal. One of my favorite ways to make lentil penne pasta is to cook it with pesto and tofu, to add a little extra protein.

Speaking of tofu, another easy meal is shake & bake tofu. This recipe is super easy: just press your tofu and cook it like you would chicken, either frying or baking it. It is super yummy and super easy to do. I usually eat mine with some mushrooms and spinach!

If you are looking for more vegetables in your lunch, try making a buddha bowl. These have become incredibly popular on social media, since all you have to do is roast your favorite veggies and choose your favorite dressing. This is also an incredibly versatile meal and can be made in bulk for meal prep. Plus, they are really easy to make aesthetically pleasing and colorful.

Dinner Ideas

A dinner I have been really enjoying right now is Sweet Potato Tacos. All you do is boil some cubed sweet potato to make it soft, add taco seasoning and then use it like you would use ground beef! I like my tacos with refried beans and cheese, but you can add anything you want! The sweet potatoes add a nice sweetness to the tacos, and they’re packed full of nutrients!

Another meal that is super easy to make after a long day are Perogies. These are ravioli-like pasta usually filled with potatoes and cheese, and all you have to do to make them is boil and fry them! You can buy them at most grocery stores and they go with almost anything. I usually eat mine with roasted brussel sprouts.

If you are looking for an easy vegan dinner, try making Roasted Spaghetti Squash. All you do is cut the squash in half, add an oil and seasoning of your choice, cook it in the oven and use a fork to give it the spaghetti texture! It is super fun to make and a great way to sneak in some veggies!

Vegetarianism and veganism doesn’t have to be expensive and time-consuming. There are so many more options than the ones I have stated that are for busy people like you and me. Don’t let the daunting, 20-ingredient meals from Pinterest scare you away from incorporating meat-free meals into your diet!

Writer and Editor for HerCampus at Saint Louis University. "I have grown forests in my heart and can no longer be fooled by weeds" - unknown