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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

As my Senior year comes to end I cannot help but reminisce over the past four years. While I have had senioritis since February, I truly did not feel the Senior Blues until now. Everything feels so final, from my last night going out with my friends to writing my last HerCampus article. I assume that this is going on in the heads of everyone graduating regardless of their post-graduate plans. While I am so excited for the next chapter of my life, I don’t want this chapter to end. However, while I am crying inside, I cannot let this chapter come to an end without truly celebrating the last few weeks. These are ways I am going to fight off the Senior Blues.

Going to the top three places I wanted to go to but never had a chance

Over the years I compiled a list of all the restaurants, coffee shops, study spots and so many more locations I have yet to have time to visit. With these next few weeks I found my top three places I need to go around St. Louis before I graduate. This can be anything. For example, I have never gone to Maypop, a coffee and garden shop, and I have added that on my list of things to do with my friends before I graduate. 

Find time for Friends

I know it is extremely hard to find time as the year comes to a close and all your assignments are due, but seriously find time for your friends. For me, this is the last time I will be within 10 minutes of some of my closest friends. Starting next year we are all going to totally different places and will not see each other until a plan makes it out of the group chat. Whether it’s just going to the library to study together or going to your favorite restaurant, find the time. 

Take Pictures

I am not one who goes out of my way to take pictures but this semester I have been documenting everything. Capture everything, friends, places on campus, whatever brings you joy (there are currently 50 pictures on my phone of sunsets I took from my bedroom window). This is not only for you in the weeks after graduation but for you years from now who will truly enjoy remembering these special moments.

Go to your Senior events 

While I know not all schools do this, SLU does, and I will be going to all the fun events. The reason why I encourage you to go to these events is this is likely the last time you will see all of the people you spent the last four years taking classes with, going to events with, etcetera. I know we all have those people we would rather not see. But it’s still worth going for all the people who we may never see again. I love seeing people that I knew from freshman year and I was friends with but lost touch with. More than that, the events are usually around campus and are great ways to bookend your senior year. 

While we cannot do anything to stop time to stay in this moment just for a little longer, we can try and maximize the time we have left. I recommend doing these things before you graduate or coming up with your own to-do list to truly enjoy the last couple of weeks we have left. This time will never come back. 

Amreen is a Senior on the Pre-Law track with a major in Political Science, American Studies, and Economics. Amreen was born in Texas but calls Kansas her home. She loves to write about her life and her personal view of the world around her!