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I Failed my 2023 Goodreads Challenge, But Reclaimed My Love for Reading

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

I have developed a dependency on my numerous screens. Whether it is playing background music while doing my homework or queuing up a YouTube commentary video to watch while I eat, a need for constant stimulation has become a staple in how I function in my day-to-day life. 

When I was younger, I constantly had my face stuck in a book. Reading used to be a way to escape my stressors within school and extracurricular activities. However, as I grew older and took on new responsibilities, reading became more of a chore than a choice. Soon enough, I was too “busy” or “stressed” to sit down and pick up a book, to forget the world around me and immerse myself in a new story. When I recognized I had an unhealthy obsession with my phone, I knew I had to alter my habits. 

In 2023, I wanted to prove that I could learn to love reading again. So, I gave myself a big goal: I would read 35 books by the end of the year. While that might seem modest compared to other’s goals, it was daunting to look at, especially as someone who had fallen out of love with reading.

To start my challenge, I read one of TikTok’s favorite books, “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo” by Taylor Jenkins Reid. I credit this book for jump-starting my Goodreads challenge, for its quick twists and engaging dialogue wouldn’t allow me to put the book down. “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo” was the first book I finished in 2023 and left me wanting more, so I kept going. Staying with the Taylor Jenkins-Reid trend, I read “Daisy Jones and the Six” and “Malibu Rising,” giving both books 4.5 stars. 

However, soon after the spring semester began, I became overwhelmed with my studies and practice schedule, losing the time I had previously set aside for reading. Unfortunately, I didn’t pick up another book until after finals week, and at that point, I was exceedingly behind on my goal. But I didn’t let that stop me from picking up a new book. When I returned home for break, I marched into my local library and checked out my TBR list. A few of my favorite books that I read this summer were “The Maidens” by Alex Michaelides, “Divine Rivals” by Rebecca Ross and “The Inheritance Games” series by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. Over summer break, I read 20 books, a number that I am very proud of.

Unfortunately, I did not finish my Goodreads goal. After reading “The Night Circus” by Erin Morgenstern in August, the fall semester was so overwhelming with schoolwork and extracurriculars that before I knew it, 2023 came and left, leaving me nine books short of my 35-book goal. However, I was not defeated. Even though I missed my goal, I reclaimed my love for reading. Despite my distractions, I still stayed motivated and excited to pick up a book. I relearned the joy and contentment that comes with reading. 

This year, I have set another goal for myself. I am challenging myself to read 30 books this year. Right now, I may be 2 books behind schedule, but I am not worried. I know that I’ll make time for reading and take one book at a time, remembering the joy and gratification that comes with reading a story.

Amelia is a sophomore at St. Louis University studying physical therapy and a member of SLU's women's swim team. She is often found in the pool or in front of her computer with a coffee in hand. She uses writing as an outlet to express her thoughts and interests.