To you, I say thank you.
Thank you for teaching me who I am. Thank you for all the laughter. Thank you for pushing me beyond what I thought was my breaking point and showing me how strong I truly am. Thank you for bringing all these amazing people into my life. Thank you for every second of the last four years of my life.
Part of me does not know what to do without you.
But I know that you have prepared me for life after you. I have learned how to love myself and others. I have learned how smart and capable I am. I have learned that my heart is even larger than I thought it was. I have learned how to get through some of the hardest and darkest moments and who to rely on.
I have learned to be me.
Prior to you, I struggled in knowing who I was. I was insecure and unsure most of the time. I felt that I was not loveable or likable. I worried that I was weird or too passionate. I was miles away from the place I called home and felt that home maybe was more than just the place I grew up. I struggled with anxiety and stress. I did not know if I could do it.
After you, I am so sure of who I am. I am surrounded by the most loving group of individuals, who love me exactly how I am. I am going to be the nurse you prepared me to be. I am outgoing and confident. I am fun, adventurous and curious. My passions are stronger than ever and I have the tools to pursue them. I am truly empathetic and know how to care for every person around me with all of my heart. I am incredibly smart and have knowledge that will continue to serve me well. You played such a huge role in helping me find this within myself.
These last four years have been the most rewarding, but challenging. I worked harder than I ever have in my life, but have seen the largest outcome. Without you, I would not be headed to my dream job, as a Pediatric Intensive Care Nurse. I would not have met my best friends or the love of my life. I would not have called St. Louis my new home. I certainly would have been a completely different human being.
As I am saying goodbye, I am just thankful. As the best chapter of my life closes, know that I will not forget you. I am so excited for my next chapter of life. One hopefully full of love, laughter and pure joy.
To the students still at SLU and more to come, let SLU be a place of growth. If you feel that you have not found your place, remember things can take time. SLU has many groups, opportunities and people that are just waiting for you. Each of you were destined to be here, and I am more than sure that you will come here to learn something about who you are and drive you toward your future.
I truly believe that there is a place for all of us here.
So, thank you Saint Louis University for setting me up for success. Thank you for treating me right.
I love you, SLU.