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The clocktower at St. Louis University
The clocktower at St. Louis University
Original photo by Urvashi Mahajan
Life > Experiences

My Sweet St. Louis Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

The summer of 2024 was so good to me. This past summer proved to be a significant milestone for me, for it was the first summer I spent on my own. Originally from the Chicago suburbs and entering my senior year of college, I am a student at Saint Louis University studying Physical Therapy (PT) and have loved my time on campus thus far. Unlike previous summers where I would race back home, I spent my summer semester in St. Louis. It was a massive step towards independence for me, because, in the past, I would go home and visit my parents and sisters whenever possible.

As part of my first semester of the professional phase of the PT program, I had to take Gross Anatomy—an eight-week course full of hundreds of PowerPoint lecture slides and hours upon hours spent in the cadaver lab. The course quickly took over my life where I would dedicate every moment to studying or spending time in the lab practicing. These habits soon became toxic and I knew I needed to balance that focus with some time to explore and unwind. And so, with some push from my parents and classmates, I gave St. Louis a chance. I used my self-allocated time as an opportunity to discover the city around me.

Sundays at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis

One of my favorite ways to get off campus was by attending Sunday Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis. Located a short drive and walkable distance from SLU’s campus, it became my favorite part of the week. I loved going to Mass there, not just because it was a great way to get out of the SLU bubble, but it let me appreciate the mosaics around the cathedral and the atmosphere the community built around it. It became a Sunday tradition for my friends and I to walk around the Central West End and grab coffee after Mass. The basilica is now one of my favorite places to go, not just for Mass, but for the sense of peace it brings me.

Studying at The Protagonist Cafe

There were two main places you could find me this summer: the cadaver lab in Schwitalla Hall and the Medical School library. As you can imagine, it got monotonous and tiring. Pretty quickly, my friends and I were in desperate need of a change in scenery, and that is where the Protagonist cafe became our saving grace. It became our go-to spot for when we could not stand to spend another minute on campus but still needed to review and study. The cafe has this perfect cozy and warming vibe, while being tucked away in Soulard, which I had never explored before. My friends and I loved our Saturday morning study sessions spent there, where it was the perfect mix of studying and chatting. 

Saturday Mornings at Kirkwood Farmers Market

On a few occasions this summer, we would have Friday exams, meaning we would have Saturday to ourselves without worrying about lectures and studying. With these blissful weekends, my friends and I would visit the Kirkwood Farmers Market. It was far enough away from the city to feel like we were discovering a new side of St. Louis, but close enough to keep coming back. We would walk up and down the stands, talking about anything and everything, except for anatomy! It was the perfect mental break we all needed and it helped us grow closer as a group, becoming our highlight of the week.

Sweet Treats in the Loop

Even though I set a goal of exploring St. Louis this summer, I kept finding myself drawn back to the Delmar Loop. My friends and I kept coming back to Fitz’s for fun dinners after tutoring sessions, and it quickly became a place of comfort. We would spend the evenings walking up and down the street, watching the summer sunset while talking for hours. These evenings spent in the Loop quickly became my favorite evenings from this summer. 

This summer was not just about surviving Gross Anatomy—it was about finding my independence and learning more about myself. It taught me to value the things in life that go beyond my academics, like the relationships I strengthened this summer and the sense of belonging I developed for the city I live in. Now, I look forward to the next three years in St. Louis. I am so excited to continue exploring, growing and falling in love with this city that is (finally) starting to feel like home.

Amelia is a sophomore at St. Louis University studying physical therapy and a member of SLU's women's swim team. She is often found in the pool or in front of her computer with a coffee in hand. She uses writing as an outlet to express her thoughts and interests.