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Why You Should Continue to Read for Fun in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

Life in college is fast-paced. Among the stress and exhaustion, an important activity sometimes forgotten in the busy life of a college student is self-care. Due to the amazing way it helps reduce anxiety and its ability to allow individuals to take time for themselves mentally, self-care is on the rise in the current generation. Though self-care is often assumed to include extravagant acts such as going to a spa or getting a massage, it can be much simpler than that. Self-care can be drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, or spending time doing something you love. Taking care of yourself is crucial, so take a break! Many people have heard the saying that “self-care is something you practice every day so that you can create a life that takes care of you back.” A method I use to practice self-care is recreational reading.

When I was in high school, I read all the time. I couldn’t check out books fast enough from my local library, and I even carried extra books in my purse! Since I had more free time back then, I was able to devote a significant portion of my time to read books for pleasure. However, once I got to college, that quickly changed. I barely had enough time to read the required readings and textbooks for my classes. There were so many things on my plate that I felt like it was too hard to find the time to do something I actually enjoy doing, like reading. Within the last couple of weeks, I’ve made a conscious effort to start reading books for fun again and here is why:

I want to nurture practices that feed my mind and spirit. For me, this happens to be reading. Therefore, I intentionally spare time to allow myself the luxury of reading for fun. Whatever the genre, I know that it is worth the time I spend allowing my imagination to roam and my creative self to be nurtured by an author’s storytelling.

If you are a student who does not read for fun as much as you’d like to, here are some tips to become an avid reader while juggling a busy college life!


1. Take Advantage of the Libraries on Campus

By being a university student, you pretty much have an endless supply of books and audiobooks that you have access to through your university libraries. Simply browse the shelves or online catalog to find new reading selections. Don’t let this resource go to waste!


2. Set Aside an Allotted Time to Read

When you’ve got a packed schedule, it’s tough to find time to cultivate your imagination. By scheduling a time to read, you are allowing yourself uninterrupted time of peace, quiet, and creativity.


3. Read e-Books

E-books are an option that makes it easy to read on the go. Download an e-book app like Kindle or iBook on your laptop or tablet for an option that’s cheap and accessible. Many local libraries allow you to check-out e-books for free. Plus, you don’t have to worry about lugging around another heavy thing in your backpack!


4. Read During Meals

I’ve found that I actually have a surprising amount of time for meals, so this is a great time to read.


5. Read Before Going to Bed

Using technology before bed has been proven to negatively impact sleep. I’ve found that it is relaxing to read during this time instead of use my phone to look at social media. 

Faith attends Saint Louis University where she double majors in International Studies and International Business with a minor in Arabic. She loves to learn about other cultures, and how they differ from her own. Faith's passions include drinking tea, trying new foods, spending time with friends and family, volunteering and reading.