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You Should Go To The Beach For Spring Break – For Your Health.

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

I am a huge beach girl. Throw me on a beach, and I will be the happiest person in the world. I will sit and swim and walk on the beach for hours on end. I mean, who doesn’t love a good swim in the ocean with the salt in their hair and the wind in their face? The beach to me—and I’m sure to you as well—is a place of tranquility and serenity that doesn’t do anything but make me happy. This isn’t a coincidence: Studies show that the beach is actually proven to boost your happiness as well as have many health benefits.

Benefit #1: Relaxation

The sea helps you relax. This is a pretty obvious benefit, I know. But did you know that the ocean can prevent insomnia and reduce stress and depressive symptoms? According to Inc., the smooth and rhythmic sound of ocean waves can be very calming and therapeutic.  The health benefits of ocean sounds include lowering or normalizing blood pressure and decreasing nervousness and anxiety. 

Benefit #2: Water and Sea Breeze

The water and sea breeze have multiple health benefits. The sea breeze is very beneficial for people who have respiratory issues. The water and sea breeze help people with a persistent cough and asthma breathe much better. Indoor Doctor says that this is because ocean water has iodine in it, and the sea breeze carries the iodine into the air, making it a natural remedy for people with respiratory issues. The iodine also helps our bodies get rid of toxins that attack the lungs.

Benefit #3: Self-Esteem

Spending a few days on the beach improves self-esteem. According to WebMD, this is most likely due to the fact that, when we are at the beach, we are just more relaxed and happier overall. Another reason that self-esteem can be boosted on your beach vacation is because the ocean has minerals that improve the overall look of your skin.

Benefit #4: The Color of The Ocean

The ocean is most often associated with the color blue. Christina Heiser from NBC news says, “The color blue has been found by an overwhelming amount of people to be associated with feelings of calm and peace.” Heiser also says, “Staring at the ocean actually changes our brain waves’ frequency and puts us into a mild meditative state.” A study published in the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s journal even found that the color blue can be associated with a boost of creativity.

Benefit #5: The Smell of Ocean Mist

The smell of the ocean mist is very distinct  and is said to give an instant benefit to your brain. Christina Heiser from NBC News says, “The negative ions (oxygen ions with an extra electron attached, produced via water molecules) in the ocean air can actually help calm your brain.”

So, not only is a beach a fun place to go to relax and have fun—it is also a great and natural way to better your health and overall well being. With all of these benefits to visiting a beach, I know where my next vacation is going to be! Do you?

A writer for HerCampus in the Saint Louis University chapter.