Did you know that men cry? I know! I never really thought it was real until I understoodÂ
that I was a.) a man and b.) human. What a crazy fact, right? When someone told me that menÂ
cry I couldn’t believe it. I almost asked how they knew that but figured they were coming from aÂ
place of experience so I decided not to press the subject. Â
November has come which means October is over, as is Mental Health Awareness Day.Â
The posts about mental health were all I could see throughout the day. Messages of support,Â
stories about courage and bravery. However, like any other day within the universe, this dayÂ
came and went and people have now carried on with their lives waiting for the next made upÂ
national day of awareness for a social issues that no one seems to talk about. There exists a wildÂ
construction about men and their mental health that has been around my whole life. For men toÂ
show any signs of emotion, they’re considered weak. What is more interesting is that when menÂ
show signs of anger and aggression they’re playing into the construction that society has createdÂ
for them. Any sign of real emotion like empathy, grief, sadness, etc. portrays that men areÂ
somber, and delicate. Not to mention that when women show signs of anger or aggressionÂ
they’re “crazy” or “a bitch” and when they show signs of empathy, they’re just being human. Â
It’s hard to believe that people used to think like this, or maybe still do. I’ve always been afraidÂ
to fully accept everything that comes with being human; always afraid of embracing who I wantÂ
to be for the fear of being rejected from society. I just never wanted people to judge me forÂ
simply being me. What’s even crazier is that that isn’t a big thing to ask of people and yet, forÂ
many, this is an impossible endeavor some can’t seem to leave alone. Â
To be emotional is to be human. To cry like a girl does not exist. To throw like a girl doesÂ
not exist. To act like a girl does not exist. Being a girl exists, and embodying the characteristicsÂ
of being feminine exists, but the conception that one is “being a girl” or being as emotional as aÂ
girl does not, and will never, exist. How does that even make any sense? Seriously, I needÂ
someone to explain that logic to me. I understand why this gimmick existed in the past and itÂ
does make sense as to why it was perpetuated within ancient America. What I don’t understandÂ
is that there is still a massive presence within modern America that advocates for the suppressionÂ
of men’s emotions. This advocacy, this blatant ignorance in the face of an epidemic has crucialÂ
consequences, many of which I don’t think people are aware of. So please, allow me to break itÂ
down for you. Â
According to MindWise Innovation: Â
â—Ź1 in 10 men have experienced feelings of depression or anxiety: According to a poll ofÂ
21,000 American men by researchers at the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS),Â
nearly one in ten men reported experiencing some form of depression or anxiety, but lessÂ
than half sought treatment. Â
â—ŹMen die by suicide 3.5x more often than women. Â
â—ŹAbout 6 out of every 10 men experience at least one trauma in their lives: Men are moreÂ
likely to experience trauma related to accidents, physical assault, combat, disaster, or toÂ
witness death or injury. Events such as these can lead to a development of PTSD thatÂ
hasn’t manifested until weeks, months, and in the most serious cases, years after theÂ
incident. Â
â—Ź49% of men feel MORE depressed than they admit to the people in their life. Â
Almost HALF, I cannot stress this enough, half of the men in your life have been depressedÂ
and have never talked about it. Why? Because of the fear, the fear of rejection, the fear ofÂ
fabricated weakness, the fear of humiliation. Men would rather die than talk about the feelingsÂ
they have inside of them because society has made them feel so alone. It is our society that is theÂ
mortal enemy, not the emotions. Talking about mental health does not make you sick, it does notÂ
make you less than, it does not make you a nuisance; it makes you human. Seeking help or just aÂ
professional to talk to is a string act of will and a public exhibition of self-care that disregardsÂ
what society expects of you. Â
If you read this article, I thank you and the men and women in your life thank you. ThisÂ
conversation needs to be had and needs to evolve into a norm that no longer places men on theÂ
outside. Women have enough issues to deal with in this world and an unresponsive, emotionlessÂ
(but secretly so emotional) man is not something else they need. Your partner, whoever they are,Â
male, female, mix, cannot be in a relationship with no reciprocation. Love requiresÂ
conversations, all of them. So please remember, all boys cry and they’re damn good at it. Â
If you or someone you know is feeling depressed or is having thoughts of suicide please callÂ
the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).Â