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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

When I came to Saint Mike’s last year, I was nervous, just like most Freshmen. I had the normal fears– that my roommate would be weird (she was nice, actually), that I would fail my classes (I managed not to), that I wouldn’t like it (I loved it), and, the big one: that I wouldn’t make any friends. Then I met this pretty blonde girl with a cool tattoo who was in my Orientation Group. I remember thinking that she was so nice, and I instantly wanted to get to know her. We started chatting, became fast friends, and the rest is history.

Throughout our Freshman year we studied together, laughed together, got in trouble together, and figured this whole ‘college’ thing out. I was there for her when she was freaking out about Organic Chemistry, and she was there for me when I had pink eye (it was gross). We went from being in the same Orientation Group freshman year  to being roommates our Sophomore year. She is the most genuinely kind person I know. She is sweet and funny, but with a backbone. She is fiercely loyal and will stand up for her friends until the end. She sings when she’s doing homework, and her voice is so pretty is isn’t even annoying. As you can tell, I’m a big fan. I couldn’t have possibly asked for a better ‘first friend’ at college!

YOG: 2019 (Sophomore)

Hometown: Pembroke, New Hampshire

Major: Biology (hopefully going on to become a Physical Therapist)



HC:  What are some of the things you participate in on campus?

MS: I am a member of the Acabellas, and I’m a tour guide! I’m also a member of TriBeta Honor Society, Random Acts of Kinds, and HerCampus.


HC:  What is your favorite thing about SMC?

MS: My favorite thing about Saint Mike’s is all the opportunities on campus to get involved. Harvest Fest, Fright Night, Dance Marathon, International Festival, YOU Count events, and so on. I think it adds to the sense of community that SMC is so famous for.

(Monica Austin, Samara Bissonette, Shea Ingham (author), Meghan Smith (CC), and Ryan Lackey this summer in downtown Burlington)

HC:  Who are your role models?

MS: My family! My parents especially. Since I have come to college they have helped me to not lose sight of myself.


HC: What is your favorite Burlington spot?

MS: I love the waterfront! The swings are super cute.


HC: Do you have any advice for a Freshman?

MS: Don’t be afraid to get involved! Take advantage of every opportunity being offered to you.


HC: What is one long term goal and one short term goal you are working toward accomplishing?

MS: Long term, I really want to travel more. Short term, I just really want to pass physics.


HC: Pick three words to describe yourself.

MS: Enthusiastic, Supportive, and Stressed!




CC for HC SMCVT. Massachusetts girl, who somehow ended up in Northern Vermont. Senior at Saint Michel's College studying Media, Journalism & Digital Arts. Interests include: running, Bridesmaids, bagels, the color navy and guacamole. Firm believer that you can never be overdressed or overeducated.