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Going out this weekend? 5 tips you should know, now!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

Heading out to the 300’s this weekend?

We all know it happens: in college, people party. Loud music, fun people, great drinks; hey, what’s not to love, right? Well, until it has the potential to go downhill.

So, to avoid that like the fabulous and fun collegiettes that you are, we’re here to tell you our top 5 tips for staying safe while still having an awesome time out at that party with your friends! (Even if you’ve never gone out before, or have partied every weekend since freshman year…)


  1. BYOD – bring your own drink! And why wouldn’t you want to? Grab a mason jar and fill it with your favorite fruity drink, even if it doesn’t include alcohol. This is so typical Vermont and we love it. Also, you’re saving yourself from the possibility of a drink that’s been messed with. No thank you!
  2. Friends! Bring a friend, or two, or three…just make sure to keep that classic “buddy system” when in a bigger party situation. It might sound cheesy, but it’s always better to walk from place to place with someone else rather than alone. Plus, more friends = more fun!
  3. Cell phone (as if they’re not glued to our hands anyways). Lose one of your friends in a crowded dance party? Good thing you have your phone with you! Forget to bring keys to get back into your room? Call a friend to let you in!
  4. Coats: they’re not just for cold days. We know skirts and tank tops are super cute and fun to wear out – but this is Vermont. It’s already getting cold, which means you have a greater chance of getting frost bite or some type of illness related to the cold – especially when alcohol prohibits you from really feeling the cold. Wear those coats or jackets at night too, even if it’s covering up your outfit on the way to a party. They’ll all see it when you get there!
  5. Moderate, measure, whatever. Remember limits, and no, not the advice from Mean Girl. Limits DO exist, and it’s always the best idea to keep them in mind when you head out!


Keep it classy, collegiettes! And have a wonderful (and safe) time out and about this semester!




Juliana is a senior Media Studies, Journalism and Digital Arts major with a minor in Global Studies at St. Michael's College. She serves as managing editor for her college newspaper (The Defender), is an online student ambassador for St. Mike's, writes a personal style blog (littlecupofj.com) and is an editorial intern at WellWed Magazine. Juliana hopes to move back to Cape Town after graduation, where she spent her spring 2014 semester abroad and work as a magazine editor or as an online/social media coordinator. Her favorites include blogging, all things pink, peonies & proteas, elephants, iced coffee, whistling, running and catch phrases.