That’s right, collegiates! Her Campus SMCVT is getting scandalous this week! We are getting down to the nitty-gritty of what it takes to be a hottie with a body, and better yet, what it takes to impress one. If you thought your time spent in your psychology electives had gone to waste, think again! From psychology we could gather extremely useful tips on how to amplify what evolution already gave us. We are hard-wired with methods of how to attract the opposite sex, so perhaps this article will serve as a reminder to those of you who are feeling a little stuck in the 21st century.
1. The Red Effect –
Women all over the world have discovered and used this weapon of influence again and again without even realizing it. According to a recent study conducted in 2008, men’s attraction to women is increased when they happen to be wearing, or showing, the color red. Evidence has shown that there has been a red-sex link not just established for humans, but for animals as well. The Red Effect happens to increase women’s attraction to men as well. Women perceive men in red as a signal of their status, and men perceive women in red as a signal to their sex appeal. So flaunt that red dress, pick out that red lipstick, or even some blush will do! Whatever you choose, a flash of red will help you to look your best.
2. The Mirroring Effect –
Have you ever been in that awkward acting class that makes you copy everything a certain partner does? Chances are, even if you didn’t realize it, you probably liked them much better after this activity. In the same way, people who are attracted to each other tend to mirror each other, and they tend to like people who mirror them. If some hottie with a body reaches forward, try to do the same. Note their movements, and see if you could match them. Be careful, though! You don’t want to seem like a complete copy-cat! That would be creepy, and if you really are attracted to them, it’ll all just fall into place naturally.
3. The Mere Exposure Effect –
NOTE: This is NOT an excuse to stalk, but some discreet “research” may be necessary. People just generally like people they encounter more often. So, if you want to be noticed, get yourself noticed. It can even be in subtle ways. See that hottie with a body walking on their way to class? You don’t necessarily have to follow them (please don’t), but you can make yourself visible, perhaps by walking a different way to your own class so that your paths cross. By mere exposure, the person is bound to start to appreciate your presence, even if they don’t realize it on a conscious level.
4. Putting Effort into your Appearance REALLY does help –
Men are typically more concerned with the attractiveness of a female, and women are more attracted to men for the other benefits men have to offer. This doesn’t mean that men are shallow or that women are gold-diggers, but based on an evolutionary theory of attraction, a women’s appearance offers signs of her fertility and a man’s success offers security. So if you’re a woman who’s strictly out on the prowl, looking your best does help. And if you’re a man who’s looking for a date, talking it up about your 4.0 can help you out big time. Don’t get carried away, though! There’s a fine line between highlighting your greatest assets and shoving it down everybody’s eye-sockets. There’s also a fine line between bragging and being confident about yourself. Tread carefully.
And those are the four top tips we have for you today! You can thank psychology for giving you great material to work with, and if you start to doubt yourself, just remember….