I have heard the cliché phrase “those who can’t, teach” an absurd amount of times. In fact, it being said at all is absurd. The concept of teachers being unable to do anything other than teach is ridiculous. As an education major, I find it imperative to address the attack on educators today, and for those in the future.
Growing up, I always knew I wanted to teach. I envisioned myself with a little name plaque, wearing pencil skirts and cardigans, grading papers and helping kids succeed. Throughout the years, I have looked upon my teachers as mentors- they were always willing to help me when I needed it. They taught me proper grammar, algebra, chemistry, and about the Revolutionary War. But more so than this, they taught me life lessons. They taught me about sharing when I was little, and about acceptance of others and social justice when I was in high school. They taught me self-worth. They taught me to believe in myself. They imparted on me the skills to go forth to college (and beyond) and succeed. I want to give that to kids too.
Educators give their life to shaping the lives of others. Their jobs are thankless. They don’t earn nearly enough for all they do. Their jobs are threatened by budget cuts and technology. They settle fights, teach morals, and are criticized every day.
I don’t believe most people set forth and become teachers because they think they will fail doing something else. No, I think those who become teachers do it because they want to. They want to change lives. People who become doctors say the same things. Or lawyers. Why don’t we respect teachers as much as those professions then?
I can’t wait to become a teacher. I am not doing it because I’m afraid to try anything else. I’m majoring in education by choice, and I’m excited for what that holds.