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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

It’s that time of year, collegiettes™! With the dropping temperatures and arrival of snow, it is officially time to break out your ugly sweaters. Ugly sweaters are perfect for staying warm during chilly nights and cozy during finals week study sessions. Check out these ugly sweaters spotted around campus and embrace this seasonably acceptable fashion!

Ugly sweaters go with just about anything. Their crazy patterns are so out there that they look good with just about anything, but pair them with jeans or leggings for a cozy, perfect-for-finals-week look.


Pair your ugly sweater with a warm hat for protection against chilly Vermont days!

Lauren Mazzoleni is a junior at Saint Michael's College where she majors in Digital Arts, Media Studies, and Journalism and minors in Psychology. Lauren and Alexandra Brenock are the two campus correspondents for Saint Michael's HC Branch. At Saint Michael's, she is a student blogger, a tour guide, and a disc jockey at WWPV 88.7 FM. Many of her friends would say that when she is not busy attending her classes or working on HC articles, you could find her watching many of the shows she always DVRs (Glee, Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, etc), shopping on Church Street in downtown Burlington, and hanging out with her friends from Saint Michael's and from her hometown in NH.