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Zero Waste Journey on a College Budget

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

As an avid environmentalist, and environmental studies major, in recent years I have begun to switch over to a zero waste lifestyle.  The main area that I have been most successful in doing so is the bathroom! I think that this is one of the best places to start if you want to switch to zero waste, and can definitely be affordable, especially long term! Here is a list of my favorite zero waste products that I have acquired overtime!


1.Face Wash Bar:


Switching to this face bar was my most recent change in my bathroom routine and I absolutely love it!  It has activated charcoal which keeps my skin clear of acne, and tea tree oil so my skin doesn’t dry out!  It is just like regular bar soap and I keep mine in a soap dish by the sink.





2. Safety Razor:


I got this razor about a year ago and replace the blade every 2-3 weeks!  I love how close this razor shaves and that only the stainless steel blade needs to be replaced.  Be careful when using because the blades are pretty sharp! Would 100% recommend.





3.Cornstarch Toothbrush:


This is definitely was the easiest switch for me to make!  I now strictly stick to using cornstarch or bamboo toothbrushes.  After removing the bristles the rest of the toothbrush can be put in the compost bin.  You can find these at most grocery stores and online for a nice cheap price!




2. Silk Dental Floss:



Another favorite of mine in silk dental floss!  This floss is spectacular and comes inside an adorable glass container that you can buy refill floss for when needed.  The floss acts and feels exactly like regular floss but degrades at the end of its life.


5. Menstrual Cup:



I made the switch to a menstrual cup about 2 years ago, and can’t believe I ever lived without one before!  Pads and tampons are so expensive and end up going straight into landfills after use. A menstrual cup is not only reusable, but also comfortable, convenient, and waste free.  I know what you’re thinking, seems a little scary, but I promise it is anything but! I got used to using it very quickly after using it during my period and learned that cleaning it is easy too!  After every period I wash my cup and soak it in one part hydrogen peroxide, one part water overnight. This keeps it sanitary and removes any stains that may have ended up on it!


You don’t need to make all of these changes at once!  I started off with just buying one of these products when I ran out of the alternative I used to use.  This makes going zero waste affordable, and makes it so you don’t waste any good products you have left! Going zero waste is a wonderful way to keep you and the earth healthy. 


Environmental warrior and aspiring Congress woman! Here to spread positivity and hit the world with realness. Always.
Jewelry maker and business owner at Homegrown Jewelry VT. Business Administration Major with a concentration in Entrepreneurship and an Economics Minor.