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4 Ways to Stay in Shape in the Summer Heat

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMU chapter.

We all dread the last minute workouts before summer, attempting to create that summer bod we’ve always wanted. Yet, if you are like me, we usually opt out of the trip to the gym and instead decide to go layout by the tanning pool to socialize with friends. Here are a few quick, easy ways to stay tone and trim.

  1. Stay hydrated: Strawberry and mango smoothies are incredibly tempting when you’re hanging out in the humid heat. While an occasional smoothie is an acceptable mid-day treat, make sure to not make a habit out of it. Water is crucial to keeping your body at its peak condition. Dehydration can cause you to feel sluggish and tired, keeping you from working out to your fullest, aka water bottles have now become your new best friend.
  2. Be active in more ways than one: You are more likely to continue to workout and be active when you participate in a variety of activities. Take a class that you’ve always wanted to try at the gym, like kickboxing or yoga. Play sand volleyball outside or walk the Katy Trail with friends rather than running on the elliptical. Time goes by fast when you are out in the sun having fun.
  3. Eat in small portions: Eating five smaller meals is better for your metabolism and your body than eating two or three large meals. Fill your meals with protein and attempt to lower or reduce your carbohydrate intake. Fruit can be a great substitute for fattening snacks.
  4. Don’t go to extremes: Do not diet to the point of starvation. It’s crunch time and many girls use that as an excuse to substitute food for water into their diet; don’t fall into this trap! Binge dieting may have short-term benefits, but will always end up being worse in the long term. Do not be too drastic. Do not start working out twice a day if your body is not used to that kind of exercise. Gradually build your body up to its dream condition.

Follow these simple rules and stay motivated! Summer is right around the corner so don’t forget about taking care of your body and staying healthy! 

Caroline Wright, a double major in Business Marketing and Communication Studies at Southern Methodist University, is thrilled to be part of the Her Campus Team. Although a St. Louis native, she has enjoyed becoming a true Texan in spirit over the past two years! She has been employed by a variety of companies including Kate Spade New York, NBC Universal Pictures, Brynn Bagot Public Relations, Rent the Runway, and Nordstrom. Caroline is currently Social Chair for her sorority Kappa Alpha Theta as well as serves on the Board of SMU's Student Foundation.