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5 Things to Do for Your Next Underage Birthday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMU chapter.

Being under 21 can be tricky when trying to plan a party. I am in no way saying that alcohol is a must to have fun, however there are a lot of restaurants, clubs, and locations that do not let you in unless you’re 21. With that being said, there are 20 years of enjoyment that you must go through before having the pleasure of getting into the exclusive places and events. Here are a few ideas for your next birthday before the BIG TWO-ONE.

1. An outdoor event:


Image via Bob Vila 


This can be anything that allows you to step out of your comfort zone.  Haunted houses and paint balling are super fun, and ultimate tag around a college campus and scavenger hunts (the kind that allow you to discover your city) are great ideas for a big group of 20 or a small group of five. 

2. An indoor event: ​


Image via Makezine


Escape rooms, game night, movie marathons and fancy restaurants are all great ideas to protect any birthday from the weather. You don’t need to have huge night planned for a group of friends to celebrate you and making it one more year on this planet. 

3. A cooking event: 


Image via RuffledBlog


If you’re into cooking or baking, make a night out of it. Invite your group over, and have everyone make their own personalized pizzas, cupcakes, pasta or tacos! Getting everyone involved will help make your night even more special. Also, who doesn’t love food?

4. A holiday event:


Image via Yahoo News


If your birthday is close to a holiday such as Halloween, Thanksgiving or Valentines day, create a cool themed party. For example, if your birthday is in October, have everyone come over and paint pumpkins. You can make it a contest or just for fun! If your birthday is near a holiday that is less known for its traditions, try picking the color it is closest related to it and make everyone wear that color to your gathering.

5. A dinner party: 


Image via Lucinda Noonan Event Design


This one may sound cliche, but go out to dinner with a group of really awesome friends. Maybe try something that no one has ever eaten before, or go to the same place you’ve gone to 80,000 times. But don’t just let the night stop there. After dinner, get dessert, then get late night food, then order pizza at 2 a.m. Have a night filled with endless plates and endless laughs. 


No matter how old you are, birthdays can be the absolute best night of the year. Take these ideas (or come up with your own!), and have the best night with your best friends and make memories that will last lifetimes.

Miranda is a Junior at Southern Methodist University studying Economics and Psychology, looking forward to a career working within the federal government. She has lived in multiple differnet cities, including Pittsburgh, PA (home), Austin, TX, and Dallas, TX. She is a loving mother to an adorable French Bulldog named Stella. One way to never have a boring conversation is to talk about politics. 
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