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5 Times Having a Dog is Better Than Having a Boy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMU chapter.

Boys will be boys, and dogs will be dogs. Nine out of ten times, a dog being a dog is better than a boy being a boy, but hey, who’s counting. With that, here are five times having a dog in your life is better than having a boy in your life. 

1. A dog will never bail on you, a boy probably will.

If you have a walk planned with your dog in the morning, chances are your dog is waking you up with its leash in its mouth. If you have a dinner date planned with your boy, but the game he’s watching goes into overtime you’re getting rescheduled on. To your dog, no game is EVER good enough to replace your quality time together. 

2. A dog will bring spontaneity, routine, and responsibility to your life, a boy will bring stress.

Is it nice out and you spontaneously want to go on a run or drive around with the windows down? Your dog is 100 percent down join you and will jump off the chair he sleeps on as soon as you say his name. Your boy, though? He’s about 60 percent down after he groans and sighs because he was comfortable on the couch. Your dog will also hold you acountable and make you a responsible, reliable human being. You start routine morning walks? Your dog will make sure it happens. Need to remember to eat three times a day? Your dog’s got your back on that too. Your boy doesn’t bring responsibility to your life. He brings stress. I don’t know about you, but I never have to worry about what gift I should get my dog or what meal to put down in front of him; he thinks they’re all the absolute best in the world no matter what it is. 

3. A dog will never lie to you, a boy might.

Photo by Ryan McGuire

Have you ever heard of a lying dog? Only when someone is refering to a lying boy? Yeah, same. A dog can’t do any wrong without coming back to you and expressing entirely too much guilt by the pout on its face and apology in its eye; I can’t say the same for all boys. 

4. You still want to kiss dogs with bad breath, boys… not so much.

This one really doesn’t need a description. Puppy breath from a puppy? Cute. Puppy breath from an adolescent boy? No thanks. 

5. A dog will always love and forgive you, most boys won’t.

I’ve clearly established boys aren’t even close to perfect, but I must also mention girls aren’t completely flawless either. That being said, a dog will love you forever despite your flaws and will always forgive you when you mess up. When it comes to boys, though, those flaws are sometimes what pushes them out of your life. 

Photo by Greg Westfall

Gabby is a sophomore at SMU majoring in Creative Advertising and Fashion Media and minoring in Graphic Design. She is a member of Tri Delta, and she loves traveling, puppies, and all things art. You can follow her on Instagram @gabrielle_grubb
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