Girls dress up to go to Avenu in their highest heels, shortest skirts, and teasing tops only to plaster desperation on their foreheads. Surrounded by their girl friends, mingling and scoping out the boy scene, they unknowingly are c*ck blocking themselves.
Most girls turn down guys that they see as inadequate or simply just not hot enough, but what they forget to realize is that guys like what other guys have. It gets as simple as the kindergarten rules of the playground. Each kid wants the toy that they other kid has. Have you ever realized that when one of your girls starts dating one of your guy friends all of his friends suddenly seem to notice how hot she is? Seeing that another guy is interested, somehow gives these idiots the green light to realize everything that they so often previously overlooked. Girls see a guy get into a relationship on Facebook and automatically cross them off of their potential hookup list. Guys see a new FBO relationship and are immediately drawn to the girl 100 times more.
The trick here is to think before you turn someone away. When a guy who is not your type approaches you at the bar, donā€™t be so quick to turn him away. A guy paying attention to you is better than no guy glancing your way, trust me. Iā€™m not saying go home with him, but at least let him buy you a drink. You never know which guy will notice!