Managing a college budget is not the easiest thing to do, especially living in a city like Dallas where our lives pretty much consist of drinking, eating, or shopping. Finding something fun to do often times revolves around spending that spare twenty dollars in your pocket or just swiping your credit card so you can forget about it now and pay it off later. When that day of the month finally comes and you realize you have no more money, here are a couple great options to occupy your time for free
1. Â Visit Klyde Warren Park
This fairly new park right above the 75 in Downtown Dallas is a great place to meet up with a couple of friends and hang out. With plenty of food trucks to grab a cheap beer or hot dog, you can satisfy your cravings for less than five dollars. The park also offers ping-pong tables, croquet, a small putting green, and occasionally live music! You can easily find yourself entertained in this lively but tranquil part of the city.
2. Â Walk the Katy Trail
Connecting SMU to Uptown after a short and pleasant walk, the Katy Trail is the perfect route to get some exercise or to take a stroll with a friend. Offering a shaded path for the hot summer or a concrete path to ride a bike, it is an enjoyable place to be outdoors at any time of the year. Also, for some extra motivation, you will find Katy Trail Ice house at the end. Be careful though, Ice House can be a total wallet emptier.  Â
3. Â White Rock Lake
Another gorgeous place in Dallas is found about 5 miles east of SMU called White Rock Lake. There is a 10 mile path that takes you all the way around the huge lake, although that seems really long it is quite refreshing. It is also a great place to watch the sunset, have a picnic or BBQ with friends, or just to sit and relax by yourself. Even in the winter it is nice to bundle up, feel the fresh air, and watch the sun reflect off the lake.
4. Â Visit the JFK memorial
A more informational day might be taking a trip over to the JFK memorial in Downtown Dallas. Seeing the place our former (attractive) president was assassinated and learning something new could be interesting and informative. If walking around and checking out the scene isn’t enough, there is a museum open everyday and tours offered for about 15 dollars…and I am sure it is worth it!