Ahhhh road trips. Hated by some, loved by almost no one–except for me! I personally enjoy road trips. I recently drove to New Orleans for Mardi Gras in a car packed with four of my friends. I have also driven from Los Angeles to Dallas and back, and will be partaking on a road trip over spring break. So here are my tips on how to survive a road trip!
1. It’s all about the tunes. This is the time to break out all of your old CDs if you don’t want to waste all your data on Spotify.
2. Hydration is key. All those long hours in the car you will be glad you filled up your Hydroflax before leaving.
3. I cannot emphasize this enough, but bring healthy snacks. Sure the fun part about road trips can be all the junk food, yet after spending hours on the road and already stopping at two McDonalds already, your body will be craving something healthy. So try stock up on healthy snacks for your long journey ahead. Think granola bars, dried fruit and nuts.
4. Always bring an extra pillow. For when those eight-hour drives turn into 12 hour ones, you will be glad you brought something to rest your head on.