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Meg Jones: SMU Senior & MTV News Intern

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMU chapter.

Summer days are filled with tanning at the pool, iced coffees with girlfriends, and bi-weekly music festivals. If this sounds familiar to your past four months of down time, then prepare to be shocked. Although the summers of relaxing and bronzing are enjoyable, many collegiettes™ used their summer to gain experience in the workplace, i.e. summer internships. I had the chance to catch up with one SMU student, Meg Jones, to discuss the hard work, valuable lessons and even celebrity sightings she endured this summer. 

1. MTV is such a well known and respected network, how did you first become interested in working with them? Within the field of journalism, one of my passions has been following and covering entertainment news. I was interested in working with MTV News because they cover everything from music to movies.
2. Please tell HerCampus readers about a typical day interning at MTV.
A typical day interning at MTV News started with a morning meeting where we would watch a newly released music video or movie trailer and talk about the important headlines of the day and run down the shooting schedule. I would then sit down at my desk and pitch blog ideas and would often be assigned to different shoots where I helped producers with weekly live streams and interviews. I also spent time ad-lotting and dubbing tapes and transcribing interviews.
3. What has been the most important lesson you have learned interning this summer? Working at MTV was a very hands on and real-world experience. I learned the ins and outs of working for an entertainment news outlet and was able to take part in both the editorial and production sides of reporting. 
4. Interning in an aspect of the entertainment business, have you had any celebrity encounters? Some of the highlights of my internship at MTV would have to been meeting Justin Bieber and Chris Evans during interviews and the cast of Harry Potter on the red carpet at the premiere of Deathly Hallows Part II. I also had to opportunity to work on RapFix, which is a weekly hour-long show hosted by Sway Calloway and included rappers such as The Game, Cali Swagg District and Juelz Santana. 

Caroline Wright, a double major in Business Marketing and Communication Studies at Southern Methodist University, is thrilled to be part of the Her Campus Team. Although a St. Louis native, she has enjoyed becoming a true Texan in spirit over the past two years! She has been employed by a variety of companies including Kate Spade New York, NBC Universal Pictures, Brynn Bagot Public Relations, Rent the Runway, and Nordstrom. Caroline is currently Social Chair for her sorority Kappa Alpha Theta as well as serves on the Board of SMU's Student Foundation.