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Top 5 Recipes for your Thanksgiving Leftovers

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMU chapter.

Want to make most out of your Thanksgiving leftovers? These fun recipes will make it feel like Thanksgiving all over again and help reduce food waste! Each dish has a link to an easy recipe to make your own!

1. Thanksgiving Leftover Pizza: This pizza is a unique way to get all of the best flavors of Thanksgiving in every bite. 

Find the recipe here.

2. Cranberry Turnover: This recipe turns your leftover cranberry sauce into a sweet pastry for dessert.

Find the recipe here.

3. Thanksgiving Casserole: Casseroles are commonly known for being a hodgepodge of ingredients, and this recipe is no different. A leftover casserole is a super effective way to use lots of your leftovers in one dish!

Find the recipe here.

4. Parmesan Mashed Potato Pancakes: This recipe elevates mashed potatoes to a fun finger food, almost like a combination between mashed potatoes, chips and pancakes. Potatoes. For. Days.

Find the recipe here.

5. Thanksgiving Leftover Nachos: This creative recipe has a new take on Thanksgiving. The crunch of chips take leftovers to a new level.

Find the recipe here.

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