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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SOAS London chapter.

Term three is here, yet again and so is the exam season. You have lectures to catch up on, a bunch of readings to do and an accumulating stack of flashcards to revise. This time of the year can be incredibly overwhelming which can further lead to self-neglect and at times, a crushing sense of hopelessness. 

So, here are five (evidence-based) tips to help you maintain your sanity and perform at your best. 

Keep Yourself Fuelled

It is so easy to binge on unhealthy snacks or to forget to eat, altogether. However, instead of buying convenience food, try pre-preparing meals rich in fruit, vegetables and plant protein and popping them in the fridge and freezer. For study snacks, try berries, citrus fruits, nuts and seeds, all of which have been proven to be beneficial for mental performance. One of my favourite snacks of all time is dairy-free Greek yoghurt, topped with frozen berries and crushed dark chocolate. 

Move Your Body

Try and get 30 minutes of physical activity everyday and if you can go outside for that, even better. As Elle Woods had once said, “exercise gives you endorphins” which help improve your mood and fight symptoms of anxiety and depression. Thus, it’s best to find an exercise that you enjoy as it will improve your consistency without making it feel like a chore. Dancing, swimming, pilates, running or just a daily walk can benefit both your physical and mental health. 

Stay hydrated

Much of exam season is spent avoiding the allure of your bed and naps. Eating right and exercising can help with fatigue and tiredness, but if you aren’t drinking enough, they’ll be in vain. There are a few apps that can assist you to measure how much water you need, but it’s usually around two litres. If plain water isn’t to your taste, try adding lemon, cucumber or other fruits to your liking. Taking a break mid-afternoon to make a fun caffeinated (or decaffeinated, if that’s your thing) beverage like coffee or matcha can also help provide you with the motivation for more revision. 

Make a game plan

If you haven’t drawn up a revision timetable, what are you doing girlie? Not only can it help structure your study sessions (and make  you feel less drowned in content), but can also enable you to cover the material in an effective manner. Notion is my best friend in exam season and without it, I’d be a lost cause. 

Plough through the exam spec, mark schemes and topics, summarise the key themes, theories and topics required and input the tasks you need to complete into the calendar according to the exam dates. 

Now you are on your way to being an ✨academic weapon. ✨

Get 7-9 hours of sleep

The advice you want to hear; get more sleep! You’re doing yourself a disservice by pulling all-nighters and sleeping for four hours. So, listen to your body. 

Having less than 7 hours of sleep can impact information retention, cause you to become more distracted throughout the day and have a negative impact on your mental health. Not to mention, trying to stay awake through a boring lecture is even harder when you’re sleep deprived.

By doing these things, you are giving yourself a chance to achieve your full potential and not sacrificing your body while doing so. However, if you’re really struggling with your mental health, please reach out to your loved ones and professionals. It’s not okay to struggle as your health is more important than anything else. 

Good luck to anyone taking exams at the moment, we’re all rooting for you! 

Katrina is the Campus Correspondent at the Her Campus at SOAS chapter. She currently studies International Relations and Korean and is particularly interested in sustainability and global health. When she isn't at university, you can find her in a ballet studio or reading in a café.