Although most of us are done with finals (we did it!) some of us still have a couple of days left until we can enjoy the break. Here are some last minute tips to get you through those last days of finals!
Take it one day at a time – Amanda Boralessa
Stay calm and be confident – Shrihari Saravanan
Pray to God or whatever mystic entity you believe in – Siri Eimviriyapong
You know your potentialities, so donā€™t underestimate yourself! – Mehak Advani
Pace yourself and remember to breathe. Please remember to have faith in yourself – Miki Tanahashi
Sleep is more important than cramming. You’d be surprised how much you actually know – Charlie Robielos
Do not spend all day studying. Do something that helps you to relax before and after your study sessions – Karolis Batuchtinas
StayĀ strong, take things one at a time, take care of your body, and don’t forget that in just a few days, you’ll be free! – Chloe Simson