Candy and chocolate…They’re the typical sugar- high inducing sweet treats we all look forward to on Halloween! And yet…in my active 10 years of trick- or- treating, I’ve encountered some strange people’s ideas of proper hand-outs to kids. Trick or treat? You’ll have to decide for yourself!
1. Roll of Pennies
Ah yes, nothing more wonderful to a trick- or – treating kid than receiving a roll of pennies from Grandma Mary next door. Hope Lincoln isn’t judging you for the heinous amount of candy you’re overloading your body on.
2. Valuable Vintage Car Toys
At first I was like,” What????,” but after the car toys caught my dad’s attention, we soon figured out they were genuine vintage collectibles worth up to $150! Not that much I know, but much more than one would expect from a fun candy hunt outing. It brings to mind questions about why and who…but kids being kids…I found much more value in my hoard of candy.
3. Roasted Turkey Legs
Honestly, this was the most delicious and one of the more surprising things I’ve ever received. Getting to hold a giant turkey leg the size of your head and tearing into it like some kind of animal really brings out the Halloween Spirit. It’s almost enough to forget that turkey legs are definitely not your typical Halloween gift…Perhaps it should be?
4. Toothbrushes
At least this treat (?) is useful I guess? My parents certainly appreciated the thought, and I’m sure my teeth did too. I on the other hand looked on with disdain and ran toward the candy faaaaaar away from any mint-flavored brushing equipment.
**BONUS Hamster Offer
And here is the cherry on top of the Sundae. On one special Halloween outing, a lady offered me her hamster…Or I guess more like threw a little travel cage with “Marco” into my excited little arms when I said “trick- or- treat,” and then promptly slammed the door in my face. Let’s just say that while I was absolutely ecstatic, my mother was…NOT. We took Marco anyway though, and until we found him an owner a couple of weeks later, he was the reminder of a memorable Halloween. Treat indeed.