For all my lovely Curly girls out there, we all know the everyday struggles that come with having hair with a mind of its own. Some days you wake up and every curl is its own beautiful masterpiece, then their are others where half your hair is curly and half is well….nobody even knows. So here are a few tips and tricks to take care of your curly hair.
Know your curl type.
Knowing your curl type is essential to buying and using the right products for your hair. Personally I am type 3a hair, meaning I have loopy “S” shaped curls that are prone to frizz and dryness. So I know to buy leave in conditioners that target frizz. To learn more about your curl type and what product to use visit:
Don’t shampoo your hair often!
I only shampoo my hair about 3 times a week because the shampoo can seriously dry out your hair and sometimes cause your scalp to flake! Try looking for shampoos that are designed for curly hair or dryness such as Shea Moisture’s line! These will enhance your curls definition, texture, shine without over drying or damaging. But if you do need to wash your hair often, try the “no poo” solution which has worked for a lot of curly girls.
Dry hair with a microfiber towel or an old cotton Tee!
Towels can suck up all the moisture in your hair and leave it frizzy and un-kept looking! So instead buy a microfiber towel or, even better use an old cotton tee shirt to dry your hair! Using the plopping method has changed my hair game and I highly recommend!
When you do wash your hair, use a wide tooth comb
Again, using a wide tooth comb enhances curl definition without pulling out clumps of hair or tugging on those annoying knots! They are only $1.99 at target!
Coconut oil is your best friend!
Trader Joes extra virgin coconut oil is what curly hair dreams are made of! Its super inexpensive and lasts for everrrrrr! You can use coconut oil as a leave in conditioner, hair mask etc. Stop by your local Trader Joes and pick up a jar, I promise you wont regret it!
Know what products work best for you!
It can be so easy to hear that this product works better than this making you want to buy everything! But I promise, use the products YOU swear by because what works best for my hair may not work best for yours! I have spent my entire 19 years of life using a shit load of leave in conditioners and styling products and I am still trying out new ones. So if you haven’t found your holy grail product yet, dont worry! Just try not to break the bank!