Registration creeps up on us right after spring break, and registration itself can be just short of a nightmare. Academic advising hours seem to dwindle, and we are thrown straight into the mess, often on our own. By the time the dust has settled, you’re stuck with two 8 ams, and a four-hour class on Fridays. Here are some tips and tricks to make registration a smoother process.
Here is the GE Pattern we’ve all seen a million times:
But who checks off each box each semester? No one. Here is how to see what Academic Requirements you still have left to complete.
First go to your MySSU.
This Academic Requirement report gives you almost everything you need to know: your GPA, how many units you’ve completed, your WEPT status, what GE sections you still need to complete and which major requirements you’ve completed.
Here you can see how many units towards graduation you’ve taken.
Here you can see the in residence unit requirements, as well as the WEPT.
Lastly, this portion will tell you exactly what GE sections you’ve completed as well as the required classes for your major.
Once you see what requirements you need, here is how to search for the classes that fill these requirements. From MySSU, go to the Enroll tab, then the Add tab.
A search box like this will open up, and you’ll want to click the course attribute drop down menu.
Click general education, then click the course attribute value.
From here you can click which section you need to find classes in.
Some other tips to remember: You can add classes to your cart before your registration time to speed up the process, and it is best to make at least four possible schedules in advance so you aren’t scrambling during your registration time.
With these tips, registration will be a little less painful. May the odds be ever in your favor!