Bobby Chakalov is a colleague of mine, a selfie enthusiast, and more importantly he’s a friend. He’s involved in multiple facets of campus, and serves as a Senior Peer Mentor. He’s helped countless freshmen and is overall a pretty cool dude, and I’m really excited to put him in the spotlight this week. He deserves the recognition!
Her Campus: Can you tell us your name, and what your friends like to call you?
Bobby Chakolov: My full name is Bozhidar Chakalov, but everyone calls me Bobby. My close friends call me Sassmaster (HC can confirm)
HC: You are a graduating senior, correct?
BC: Yes Ma’am.
HC: Are you scared about post grad?
BC: Yeah, it’s not that I’m entirely scared; it’s just daunting leaving the security that Sonoma State offers.
HC: What are your plans post-grad?
BC: Graduate school for economics and then medical school.
HC: That’s an interesting combination! Why the different fields?
BC: Logistical reasoning is that I’ll have a year off, but I really want to bridge the gap between STEM and Economics. I want to apply what I’ve learned to medicine.
HC: Are you minoring in a STEM subject then?
BC: Yes, Chemistry.
HC: Very cool! What are you involved in on Campus?
BC: Pre health club, Peer Mentoring, and I’m an Econ Tutor.
HC: Where’s home?
BC: San Bruno, but I’m originally from Sofia, Bulgaria. I moved to the USA when I was 8.
HC: That’s awesome. With all of this, where do you see yourself in 10 years?
BC: Working at a clinic, maybe as an endocrinologist. Not sure if I see myself having a family at that time, but I hope to be in a long term relationship, maybe married.
HC: Do you feel like your time here at SSU has prepared you for your plans?
BC: I believe so, yes. I’ve made friends that I regard as lifetime friends, and I’ve worked with Professors who have given me great advice.
HC: That’s so wonderful! Alright, last question, if you could give one piece of advice to someone struggling to figure out what they want to do with their life, what would it be?
BC: I think it’s important to join a lot of different organizations, even ones that you haven’t seen yourself joining, because that is where you’ll find yourself. Unlikely places lead to growth.
HC: thanks so much!
That’s all folks!