I like to think that a good morning routine can set the tone for an even better day. Whether you are a morning person, or you’re like me and you roll out of bed after the 5th time you’ve snoozed your alarm, the next steps in your routine are what will make all the difference in your day as a whole.
HYDRATE: I like to start my day with a full glass of water first thing when I wake up on an empty stomach. There are so many benefits of drinking water first thing in the morning including increased metabolism, increased energy and clearer skin.
REFLECT: Although it can be tough, I try to avoid looking at my phone for at least the first 30 minutes after waking up. Instead, I like to take time to reflect and set intentions for the day before I even have the chance to peep at social media or any news apps.
GET READY: Next, I like to go ahead and brush my teeth, wash my face, ice my face, and moisturize. The key part to this routine is to ice your face. It helps with clear skin, eliminating puffiness, reducing the signs of aging and also soothing inflammation; giving skin an instant glow.
GET OUTSIDE: After I have gotten a start on getting ready for the day, I take my dog outside for a walk. This is more so a chore, but I try to make it a longer walk and to really enjoy it. This step would be more ideal in nice weather!
TAKE YOUR VITAMINS: Duh! You can do this at any step in your morning routine, but it’s important.
EAT: Try to eat something with some food that’s high in nutritional value to give you fuel for the day.
RELAX: The next step is my favorite part of my mornings. After I’ve gotten ready for the day, let my dog out and eaten breakfast, I like to just chill before my day gets hectic. Depending on your schedule, you might only have 10 minutes to do this, or maybe no time at all. Waking up earlier could be an option, but I know that is not an easy task for all of us. This semester, I have lucked out with afternoon classes and my mornings are pretty free; but then I am busy for the rest of the day. So, I like to relax in the mornings.
Regardless of the routine that works best for you and how you like to spend your mornings, I think the most important part is to just start your day with gratitude and a clear head. If you start your day in a rush, feeling anxious, and on edge, chances are that is how your day is going to continue. Depending on your interests and how much free time you have in the a.m., you can choose what you want to do. You could spend time reading, meditating, writing affirmations/goals, listening to a your favorite podcast, or doing an exercise to get moving, etc., to name a few ideas.
The best way to be productive and feel good throughout your day is to nourish your body and make sure it’s taken care of. Be sure to hydrate and eat a balanced meal in the mornings above all else!