The last semester of one’s undergraduate career is arguably the most confusing. Choices seem to be thrown at you regarding things such as where to move to post-grad, what industry to enter, if you should continue your education or not, and other life-altering moves. However, one set of choices to make during this time that are rarely discussed surround your love life.
For those of you in stable, long-term, potentially already solidified by an engagement or marriage, relationships… this is likely not for you. I am talking to those of you who might be living in a reality which is as far from that as possible (unless you are counting your friends which are engaged).
Choosing to or to not date during the months leading up to graduation can be a tricky situation. On one hand, you want to be open to any and all possibilities and do not want to be shut off to what could be a great, supportive partner. On the other, you are at a point in your life where everything may not be completely clear cut and could be wanting to protect yourself and another from the heartache of potential long distance.
My biggest piece of advice: don’t take it too seriously. Going out on one date with someone you met in class does not mean that you are now bound to that person forever and you certainly do not need to start planning anything past a potential second date.
However, do not feel pressured to date at all. While there will be people in your life who have met their “soulmate” and seem to have it all figured out, don’t be fooled. Appreciate the time you have to yourself now because you may not always have it. Do not try to force anything which you may not be ready for.