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It’s Time to Move…Again

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at South Carolina chapter.


Another semester flew by, and summer is so close we could almost touch it. It seems like just the other day we were struggling to move all of our stuff into dorms or apartments for the school year, and now we have to take it all back out again. Moving is always stressful, but it’s even worse this time of year because finals are in the midst of it.  Here are some tips on how to move without wanting to rip your hair out:

1. Use your free time wisely (as if you’ll have any free time over these crazy next few weeks). If you do happen to find yourself doing absolutely nothing, or if you want to give yourself a break in between study sessions, take some time to pack a few things up. Start by taking down decorations and other things you know that you definitely won’t need for the rest of the semester. Yes, your room will be looking sad and bare again, but at least it’s only for a week or two.

2. Send some stuff home.  Once you have packed stuff that you definitely won’t need again, ship it home a week or so before you actually leave campus for the summer. Doing this will alleviate some of the heavy lifting and shoving you’ll have to do to get your things in the car on move out day. Try leaving only a week’s worth of outfits in your dorm and sending the rest home. Checking out of your dorm with only two suitcases will definitely be easier than carrying out a whole room’s worth of stuff on the last day.

3. Don’t wait until the last minute. Of course school comes first, but don’t put packing too far on the back burner.  University policy is that you have to be checked out of your dorm within 24 hours of your last exam. In my opinion, after a hard-fought semester, 24 hours is too much time! Be ready to peace out as soon as you hand in your last final so you can celebrate freedom and start enjoying your summer!