Finals season is seriously the worst, right?
The time period between coming back from Thanksgiving break and leaving for winter break is a whirlwind of hell.
Between finding the hours in the day to prepare for the massive cumulative exams you have coming up, and trying to stay sane, there’s no room for anything else. Especially “me time,” like having a DIY spa night at home or even getting ready before leaving your apartment, dorm, or house.
Don’t worry though, here are a few go-to products we rely on at HCSC to get through #finalszn and still look good while doing it!
To begin, give yourself a fifteen minute break every night to unwind. Seriously, light some candles, play your favorite playlist and treat yourself to something. Our favorite way to de-stress is to put on a relaxing playlist from Spotify, light some candles and apply one of the fruity, coconut-gel masks from Leaders Cosmetics 7 Wonders facial mask set.
While you’re at it, make yourself a calming cup of tea. Coffee is great during the day when you need the energy, but when it comes to unwinding, tea does the trick. If you’re looking for a new flavor to try, we recommend Yogi Tea’s Kava Stress Release tea. This tea helps put your mind at ease for a good night’s sleep, while simultaneously giving your taste buds the ride of their life.
Lastly, turn off your phone, laptop, TV, or any other electronics 30 minutes to an hour before you plan to go to sleep. And, yes, make sure you have a healthy sleeping schedule. Getting the grade isn’t worth it if you’re putting your health at risk.
But, de-stressing and getting to sleep at night is only half the battle. The day brings another slew of obstacles to overcome- like finding the time to put on makeup and get yourself out the door!
We’ve got you covered though. Next time you oversleep, or are just in a rush (are college students never not rushing?) try these products and tips.This routine only takes 5 minutes.
1. When you wake up, wash your face with an exfoliating scrub to wake you up and be sure to apply a moisturizer. Just because you are busy, that doesn’t give you a pass to slack on your skincare routine.
2. Next, apply your go-to face primer and makeup. Right now, we’re loving Rimmel London’s “Stay Matte” foundation which can be found at any drugstore and even Target! After you have applied face primer and foundation, dust Rimmel London’s bronzer in “natural” to the outer perimeters of your face to add dimension.
3.Lastly, coat your eyelashes with ScandalEyes Volume Flash mascara. This step will instantly brighten up your eyes and make you look energetic- even if you can barely keep your eyes open!
There you have it! Finals week is tough, but you can do it! Tag us with any finals week tips or tricks you have for making it through!