The #sundayscaries have come and gone. In fact, it’s now Monday afternoon. You are in the middle of your relaxing stroll to class, when you are suddenly bombarded with the alarms of assignment reminders on your phone. Frantically, you pick up your pace and take your seat in class while grabbing your planner to see what you have pre-planned. Naturally, when you realize that your phone alarms were, in fact, not lying, you begin to dry heave and grasp for your Starbucks cup. Thank God you remembered to stop there, or else things might have really gotten out of hand.
Don’t think that’s the end of your stress-induced panic attack just yet! Check out the next steps you have to look forward to below!
1. Shock.
Your heart begins to race as you think about all of the assignments you have piled up. Will you have enough time to finish them all? Will they all be A-worthy? “Oh no, I didn’t know about that exam! How did that little bugger escape my attentions?!”
2. Denial.
“No, it’s cool. I have this under control! Who am I kidding? These assignments are no match from me, the high school grad! I mean, c’mon, I was president of the community service organization, the art club and the debate team!”
3. Getting to work.
Your first attempt, at least. You’ve chugged your venti black coffee from Starbucks, definitely thinking about ordering number two, but thinking about holding back for now. All of these ideas are just coming. “I didn’t even know I had this many thoughts! Wait, I missed that last one, is there a replay button?”
4. Taking a “Quick Break.”
“Oh my, it’s already been 15 minutes? Wow time really does fly when you’re working hard. Lets see what I’ve got done. Oh, only half a page. Really? Hmmm, very interesting.” Time to scroll through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, etc., etc.
5. Circling back to “The Grind.”
“Isn’t it funny how my Instagram and Facebook stalking took just over 30 minutes? How did that happen, wow!” This is the step where all of the ramblings you thought were complete gold show their real colors. “Wait a second, that isn’t even a complete sentence right there. And what, I think I just forgot to finish that sentence over there. Is everything okay?”
6. Crying.
“This is it. I can’t. I don’t have it in me. I’m weak. This is all just too much.” If you’re like Teresea Guidice, this is where a table flip circa ’09 would occur. Maybe even toss a book or two. Don’t forget, there’s always a phone-a-friend option. Just get those emotions out girlfriend!
7. Cracking Down.
You called all of your contacts and there was no empathy. Those cold-hearted b*tches! “I’ll remember this next time I get a call at 2 a.m. asking me if a ordering a large pizza is a good idea.” Whatever, now at least I’m heated and can use that to fuel the long night ahead of me.
8. Victory.
Is a victory lap too much? If only everyone on the ~quiet~ floor knew how much I accomplished. If they knew maybe they’d want to celebrate too. “Wait, maybe I should invite them all to my pregame this weekend? Yes, I’ll make it a “We Made It!” pregame!”
See? Stars, they’re just like us!