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Staying Positive Through the Internship Hunt

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at South Carolina chapter.

We’re reaching that time in the semester when it’s time to beef up that resume and start looking for some internships. This can be a grueling and time-consuming process that many people find difficult to truly be prepared for. It’s important that you are staying positive and confident while looking for some experience in your respective field so it doesn’t start to get too overwhelming all at once. I have compiled a short list that has helped me so far in my own journey in trying to lock down that summer internship.

1. Make sure you have an updated resume and linkedin account

In my opinion, this is the most vital part. It is important that your future employers can see what you have accomplished and how that fits with the vibe of their company. It is the best way for them to get an idea of the experience you have and how that can correlate or be helpful to their mission. There are many resources online or through the UofSC campus for a resume template or an overview of your already completed resume to make sure everything looks good and thorough. Taking these steps are very helpful with easing the mind when it feels like there is so much to do and not enough time.


When looking for any job, it’s important that the job is the right fit for you first, or else it will be difficult for you to give your best effort. Make sure that the job requirements and hours fit comfortably within your schedule and that you see yourself succeeding in it. I always think that while the employer is interviewing you, you are also interviewing them and their company.

3. “BE the squeaky wheel.”

This quote is something that my freshman-year advisor told me, and it reappears in my life often. This basically means making sure that the employers hear and see you. This does not mean to spam, but do your best to stay in regular contact. Make them aware that you are the person for the job and you’re still interested if you don’t hear anything for a significant amount of time. This way, you know you are trying your best and not simply stopping at the application or interview process.

4. Keep an open mind

Many people in college seem to laser focus on one goal and only see one lane to get there, but that simply isn’t true. Humans as a species are constantly changing and growing, so don’t be afraid to try new things or explore another avenue. You never know how a route you never planned to take can end up being the best thing that ever happened to you.

Lastly, through all of these steps, do not forget to be yourself. Having skills and experience is very important and necessary, but it is equally important that you bring your own voice and flair into everything that you do, because, in many cases, that is who the company or employer is buying into. 

Good luck out there! See y’all on Handshake!

Jade Thurman

South Carolina '25

My name is Jade Thurman. I am currently a junior at the University of South Carolina. I am a Mass Communications major and I also minor in African American studies. I enjoy reading, shopping, and being with friends. I joined Her Campus because I am very passionate about getting experience and learning how organizations like these work and grow, while also being able to be surrounded with hard-working, like-minded girls who share interests with me.