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What You Need to Know About Brazilian Waxes

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at South Carolina chapter.

As someone who has been getting waxed for a little over a year now, let me tell you all the little tips and tricks to have an enjoyable Brazilian wax experience. For those who are unfamiliar with Brazilian waxes, it’s the removal of hair in the bikini area and the behind. This might be a slightly intimidating experience initially, but with time everything will get much easier. 

1. It all depends on where you Go

  • Please don’t go to the cheapest place you can find! The intense pain or itchiness is not worth saving just a few dollars. Try to go to one that your friends recommends or has high ratings. A good esthetician can make or break your experience!

2. Take some ibuprofen or advil before hand

  • If you are someone who has low pain tolerance, I highly encourage you to take some pain reliever meds beforehand. Do keep in mind that getting wax is definitely not the most enjoyable experience and can be painful and uncomfortable. Once you get used to it, it shouldn’t hurt as much. 

3. Consistency is key!

4. Shaving < waxing

  • Let me tell you one thing, once you start waxing there is no going back to regular shaving. By using a razor blade, this could be harsh on your sensitive skin leading to rashes, inflections, or painful cuts. With waxing, you don’t have to worry about accidentally cutting yourself! 
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5. Post wax

  • According to Helpline, you might notice bumps or redness afterwards. These symptoms should go away after a day. If you notice any discomfort, put aloe vera on it. After getting a Brazilian wax, it’s important to exfoliate the waxed area regularly to prevent ingrown hairs and keep the skin smooth. Use a gentle sugar scrub 2-3 times a week in the shower around the waxed area. 

In conclusion, getting a Brazilian wax can be a great way to feel confident! Following these tips and tricks can help make the experience less intimidating. Remember to do your research and to do what’s best for you! Enjoy the benefits of a Brazilian wax and feel your most fabulous!

Avona Le

South Carolina '25

Hi! I'm the President of the Her Campus chapter at South Carolina. I'm currently a senior at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, majoring in Marketing and Finance with a concentration in Business Analytics. In my free time, I love to try new restaurants, hang with friends and go on walks. I am always down to catch an amazing view of the sun or the stars!