As formal season approaches and continues on, I realized that these kind of events are my living nightmare. To those out there who feel the same: we are in this together.
I understand that buying a dress and taking photos with your friends is fun – and I totally agree. The, I guess awful is too harsh of a term, less enjoyable part comes from the formal itself. I don’t just mean formal formals, I mean semis, proms, homecomings; anything where a nicer-than-normal outfit and maybe makeup must be worn. Once the excitement of actually seeing yourself looking fantastic wears off, you’re left with mostly awkward moments. I’d much rather stop at the photos part and go out with my friends to grab food or do literally anything else.
Don’t get me wrong, formals have a place, and are, in theory, a good idea–just not my cup of tea. I would rather spend the money on better food than some from Russell House. To all the girls out there who love formals, I wish I could be you. The anxiety I have surrounding them is not fun. Most of my constant avoidance of these events comes with the anxiety of finding a date, finding a dress that fits moderately well, and making sure all goes according to plan.
If you are the type who does want to avoid formals, grab a group of friends and go out for a girls night the next time your org is hosting a formal! You have a chance to get closer to your friends, do something you actually enjoy and may save some money in the long run.