Students are both some of the most and least politically involved members of society. Many of us take a very active interest in public issues and government but a lot of us will admit that we often find ourselves preoccupied with other things, and that politics is very low down on our priority list. However, becoming more politically involved is a great way of broadening your knowledge, attracting potential employers and generally becoming a more well-rounded person. If you haven’t been a very political person but are interested in getting more involved in your country, here are three great ways to go about it.
1. Keep up to date with the latest news.
This is a great starting point as it’ll give you an idea of what you’re most interested in. Do certain stories always catch your eye? Maybe you’re particularly concerned by climate change, or foreign affairs, or maybe it’s the way things are being run in your own country that concerns you. This will give you a good, well informed starting point. Keeping up to date with national and international news is also useful in any situation: It’ll make you more interesting and provides you with a wealth of topics for essays and job interviews.
2. Look for local groups.
Whether it’s a charity, a political party or an interest group, finding people nearby who share your interest is very helpful in helping you understand more about the issues that matter and find ways to get involved. They will already have an established base of events and information that you can attend and use to broaden your knowledge. Most universities have many societies with a political slant, and Southern Miss definitely has various clubs you can join no matter what your interest. If you can’t find a campus organization that interests you, look out to the local community or start a society yourself!
3. Stick with your cause, but be open-minded.
It’s important to stand by your cause and not to spread yourself too thin, but it’s just as important to remain open-minded. You’ll no doubt begin to form countless opinions but you’ll only be able to debate with others effectively if you listen to their arguments. Also make sure to argue with yourself as well as others; challenging your own ideas will spur you on to find out as much as you can about your cause, and that means you’ll be well prepared to face any dispute.
So if you’re looking for a way to enhance job prospects or just generally make yourself a more interesting person, then why not delve into the world of politics? We collegiettes are the next generation of leaders. By being informed and strong in our convictions, we can make sure we run the globe as well as we can.
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