Nothing hurts more than realizing the guy you like only wants to be friends with you. On the surface, it may seem like you’re the girl he wants to be with. However, there are some signs that us girls have to look for before hoping a guy wants to be more than friends, when he’s already placed you in the “friend zone”.
“You’re just like a sister to me.” is a definite sign that he is just not into you…romantically that is. If a guy refers to you as being like a part of his family, that is when you should pump the brakes and recognize the guy you like obviously doesn’t like you back. If you really think about it, would you want to date your brother? Of course not! So, any guy who refers to you as “being like a sister” is not dateable.
If he finds it okay to talk to about other girls to you, it is definitely not because he’s trying to make you jealous. That’s not the case here. If a guy comes to you just to talk about how he feels about another girl, NEWS FLASH, he is so not into you. If it gets to the point to where a guy is comfortable enough to talk to you about other girls, he obviously sees you as a friend to seek advice and understanding from.
“I like you, but I don’t want to ruin the great friendship we have together.” If a guy says this to you, this is where you need to thrash the idea of ever having more than a friendship with him. It may seem for a second that he has considered you as being girlfriend material, but the part about not ruining the friendship means a relationship is NEVER going to happen.
If he doesn’t give you any physical attention (hugging doesn’t count), then it means he’s not attracted to you. However, there is always the “friends with benefits” type of relationship. Even in that case he still considers you as being a friend…hence the term “FRIENDS with benefits”.
Don’t let yourself go head over heels for a guy before determining if you are in friendship territory. If all the signs are there, it’s time to realize that the relationship will never be romantic. Don’t feel discouraged though! Sometimes, having a really great guy friend can be a blessing! As the old saying goes, “there are plenty of other fish in the sea.”