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Fashionista: Melanie Boykin

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Spelman chapter.


Name: Melanie Boykin

Classification: Junior 

Major: English

Minor: I have an AAS degree in Advertising and Marketing Communications from The Fashion Institute of Technology.

Hometown: Alexandria, VA (DMV)

Dorm: LLC1

Relationship Status: Single

What classes are you currently taking?

Fitness: Contemporary Living, Spanish 102, Introduction to Computers, African Diaspora and World

What are the five things you can’t live without? 

Family, friendship, fellowship, food and fitness

What is your favorite food? 

My favorite food is pesto! I love having it over pasta, risotto or even as a substitute for mayonnaise. One of the great benefits of pesto is that there are so many different ways of mixing ingredients that it never tastes the same every time! Plus, it tastes so good!

What did you want to be when you were younger?

When I was younger, I wanted to be a science teacher because I was curious and interested in so many different things. In addition to my curiousity and love for experimenting, I enjoyed playing “teacher” as a childhood game. My mother was a teacher, so in essence I guess I was trying to follow in her footsteps with a scientifical twist.

What is your ideal superpower and why?

My ideal superpower is to have the ability to fly because it would provide the option of being able to find a beautiful, remote spot to think or relax. Sometimes life can get hectic and crazy, so being able to have a place of tranquility and serenity that could serve as my private haven would be so wonderful. 

Is there anything you are afraid of? 

I am afraid of bugs in a sense that I don’t like them touching me. Most of the time, if you’re around me and there’s a bug present I might scream or run away ONLY because I don’t want it to touch me. Any other time I’ll throw a magazine or shoe on whatever bug (type and size doesn’t matter), then I’ll leave it there for about three days to make sure it’s 100% dead. 

If you could be any animal which animal would you be and why?

If I could be an animal, I would want to be a horse because they are strong, beautiful creatures on the inside and out. They have such gentle spirits on the inside but have such a powerful presence. 

What are your favorite flavors of ice cream?

Strawberry, Sorbet (any flavor) and Coffee 

What is your ultimate goal? 

My ultimate goal is to positively influence peoples’ lives whether its with a simple smile or providing necessary skills to fulfill their dreams and desires. 

What is your absolute favorite type of accessory? 

My absolute favorite type of accessory are rings because they enhance my hands (especially when my nails are polished) and make them look dainty. 

Ten years from now you will be?

Ten years from now I will be traveling the world and helping people improve their daily lifestyles. In addition to helping people through personal health and wellness, I hope to have a program that provides confidence building and support for young girls and women. I want people to know the importance of self-worth and to know they can accomplish anything they dream of. 

How do you plan to leave your Heel Print at Spelman?

I plan to impact people through the importance of a healthy lifestyle not for outer beauty, but for life sustainability and personal health.

Anything else about yourself you’d like to share? I love to snack and find joy in attempting to cook, but honestly I should probably take cooking classes because my cooking skills are struggling. Practice makes perfect…I hope! :)

Karys Belger is an English Major and Drama Minor at Spelman College. A Maryland native, Karys has had an interest in writing, journalism, and communications from a very young age. By the time she graduated high school, she was one of the editors of her high school year book. In addition to Her Campus, Karys writes her own blog 'Miss Perspective'. As a Bonner Scholar, Karys actively engages her campus and the surrounding area through community service initiatives. Additionally, she serves as the Social Secretary, Historian and Community Service liaison for the Miss Spelman Advisory Board and is the Community Outreach Chair the Spelman Chapter of the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance. Recently, she was inducted into Sigma Tau Delta National English Honor Society, Omega Xi Chapter. Her ultimate goal is to become a reporter and cover the hard-hitting news stories both at home and abroad.
Danyelle Carter has always been excited about building beneficial relationships, sharing stories and managing her best self. She is an aspiring publicist majoring in Comparative Women's Studies at her dream school, the illustrious Spelman College in Atlanta, GA. She chose to continue her education at Spelman after graduating summa cum laude from Miami Dade College with a joint associate degree in Mass Communications and Journalism. Currently a junior at Spelman, Danyelle hopes to bring contemporary perspectives to commercial appeal by pursuing entrepreneurship of owning her own firm. If you ask her what her aspirations are, her eyes would light up, her smile would widen and she would squeal: "to be the Communicator-in-Chief of my own PR/Social Interaction agency!"