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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SPU chapter.

OMG, wait, did we mention that we studied abroad in Italy over the summer?? From the Instagram feed upgrades to the traveling wisdom we gained, our trip to Rome was definitely life-changing. Now that we’re back state-side, we’re here to share our most memorable must-sees and steer-clears of the Eternal City.

DO: Visit Trastevere and stay all night long

The night doesn’t end when the sun goes down in Rome. In fact, it’s just beginning! Dinner activities won’t typically start until at least 9 PM, and they’re likely to last well into the evening (and the wee hours of the morning!). The best nightlife is in the Trastevere neighborhood on the east side of the Tiber River. This is where many of the city’s younger locals live and go out, so the energy is always lively, friendly, and exciting. Our favorite activity was grabbing pizza and catching a movie at Il Cinema in Piazza in the Piazza di San Cosimato.

DON’T: Put too much time/energy into the Vatican

While it’s one of the more symbolic and sought out holy sites in Rome, the Vatican was truly the most overwhelming aspect of our trip. Visiting the Vatican Museums allowed us to see the Sistine Chapel (yay!) while also being herded through the most crowded hallways that exist (boooooo). We were so distracted by the body heat and hundreds of voices around us that we didn’t learn as much as we did at the other less crowded museums. When visiting the Vatican, be sure to do research on the foot traffic at the museums, and be mindful about how much energy you’re putting into the excursion, because for us, it wasn’t worth it.

DO: Walk everywhere

Yes, we got the biggest blisters we’ve ever had, and yes, we maybe felt like we were going to fall over for hours on end. But did we see more of Rome in those three weeks than we’ve ever seen of Seattle, where we live? Absolutely! Walking to our destinations and taking the public transportation quickly gave us a (loose) sense of direction in those windy alleys, and we found some pretty special spots on the way!

DON’T: Worry when you miss a train

Trains are ample, available, and affordable when you hop across the Atlantic, so if you miss yours, it’s likely nothing to be worried about. The trains run very frequently, and while you wait for the next one you can enjoy a cappuccino in one of the cafes or browse the shops on the lower level of the station. Our favorite window shopping had to be the funky swimwear at F**K in the Stazione Termini Roma!

DO: Drink wine and journal

We’re no wine connoisseurs, but we do enjoy the stuff, so being in Rome was no doubt a treat. Between class activities, on a late night walk, or after a stressful day at a *certain* museum, there was nothing like indulging in a smooth glass of wine and reflecting on our activities. One of our very favorite discoveries was Vino Olio, a tiny cafe that served wine, olive oil boards, and small snacks. Tucked into the alleys near the Campo di Fiori, this spot felt classy and intimate, making for the perfect location to have our Main Character Moment of the day. Not a fan of wine? Try an Aperol spritz! This fruity and refreshing cocktail was our other favorite drink to sip on while journaling in Rome.

DON’T: Go out to dinner near the Trevi Fountain

While this spot is iconic for so many reasons, it is far from the ideal location to settle into a dinner. The area near the Trevi Fountain is a huge tourist attraction, so the restaurants are much more expensive and less tasty than a restaurant in a neighborhood like Trastevere. Additionally, the foot traffic in this area is extremely heavy, so the dinner ambience isn’t necessarily the best either. In this area, it’s better to try a gelato instead to keep things moving and save some cash. 

DO: Watch Love and Gelato when you get home

Something we saw a lot of in Rome was incredibly clever billboards for this adorable new Netflix original. Love and Gelato follows Lina, a high school graduate who takes a life changing trip to, you guessed it, Rome. The movie has everything you could want: conflicting love interests, self-discovery and development, appetizing shots of Italian food, and wanderlust-inducing scenery. Watching this movie after a trip to Rome was perfect because of all the memories it brought back for us!

Finally, when you’re in Rome, follow your heart (and your Maps app)! Don’t stick to a schedule, because nobody in Italy is on one, and the trip should be about what you feel drawn to! Eat gelato every day, never skip a chance to take a photo, and savor every memory as best as possible. Ciao!

Hello! I am an alum of Seattle Pacific University, with a degree in Visual Arts and English Literature. I previously served as the Campus Correspondent as well as the Senior Editor at HC SPU chapter. I am originally from the Olympic Peninsula area of Washington. Some of my interests include outdoor recreation, collaging, reading, and writing.
Hi! I am Arianna and this is my first year on HerCampus and I am a senior at SPU! I am currently studying Visual Communication and minoring in Art History and Digital Media.