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12 Adorable Animals That Will Make Your Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

This week has been a tough and difficult one for many of us, so I thought a post of cute animal pictures would be perfect for the weekend <3 <3 Be ready for a barrage of cuteness!

She’s such a lady with that ribbon – the best present ever :D


Puppies have gotta stay warm and cozy in this cold weather, but that doesn’t mean you can’t kill it with awesome red boots!


BABY BATS!! Look at them, they’re so cute I just want to sing them to sleep with lullabies hearteyes


Who’s all pampered and getting ready for her luxurious bubble bath? Adorable.


Look at the sweet birthday girl! Happy fifth birthday, sweetheart <3


Wink – I see you, Batman.


The Most Adorable Hedgehog Ever Title has just been awarded (the socks are an added bonus :D)


Who’s a winner and a champion? You go girl, high five!


You can’t look at this picture not feel happy, you just can’t. Just look at how happy she is, with her flower crown of hearts <3


A Gryffindor – brave, daring and chivalrous… I think this knight in shinning fur fits the bill!


Look at who’s ready for a hard day of being adorable at the office in his collar and tie? This puppy, that’s who :)


No one’s as cool as this puppy.

Hope that cheered you up, it certainly put me in a good mood :D Have a nice weekend, everyone!

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Jenny Yau

St. Andrews

I'm Jenny Yau, 19 and from Hong Kong. Reading, writing poetry and watching tv are my main obsessions. I am sometimes mistaken for a hermit, but I'm friendly once you get to know me :p