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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

The day that we have been looking forward to is finally within reach. People are being vaccinated, we can see friends and family for the first time in over a year, activities are returning, and the sun is starting to go down later and later! Moreover, with the continued easing of restrictions, there will hopefully be ample opportunities to immerse ourselves in all we have missed, be it concerts, movies, or eating out. Sadly however, many feel that there is undeniable pressure to look ‘perfect’ as we get ready to leave the pandemic behind. After more than a year of countless influencers and celebrities teling us how to emerge from the pandemic as ‘our best selves,’ it’s important to remember to be kind to yourself and your body as well. With that in mind, here are some points to consider the next time you see or hear something about achieving a ‘bikini body’ for this summer.

Go Easy on Yourself

First and foremost, this past year consisted of immense stress and irregularity. It was a pandemic! Schedules were disrupted, change was constant, and life was atypical. Although it looked different for everyone, no one prevailed without hardship. Whether it was working from home, online school, or taking care of others, you achieved so much – even if it doesn’t feel like it at times. Look at all you were able to accomplish during these circumstances and feel euphoric!

Celebrate Your Body the Way it is Now

In case you need a reminder, and even if not: you are crushing it. Your body supported you through the pandemic, so thank it and treat it kindly. Be proud of yourself. Do things that make you feel confident with the way you look right now. Throw on a cute outfit, listen to a podcast, watch a show, put on a facemask, or take a nap. After all, things are not ‘back to normal’ just yet; and even when they are, it is so important to continue taking care of your mental and physical health. Practicing self-care allows you to show your body love. Give yourself time each day to feel good in your skin. And yes, that can include working out! But, ensure that you are working out to feel better and moving for yourself, rather than working out to lose weight or to look a certain way.

Ignore outside Influences (and Influencers)

Stop following influencers, or anyone, that doesn’t make you feel good about yourself. Ignore articles and ads. Fill your feed with people and posts that fulfill and inspire you. Influencers frequently push products and ideals that might not be healthy. Extreme diets and workout plans can be dangerous, especially without assistance from a professional. They may cause long-term problems and are unsustainable. Also, with the increasingly mainstream reliance on filters and apps, influencers are able to present themselves in specific ways which might be completely different to the way they actually look, and are unrealistic for someone trying to emulate their lifestyle. Not to mention, the trends change rapidly. Every few months there is a new ‘body goal’ that is ‘needed.’ It all becomes a vicious cycle that pleases no one. 

What is the Perfect Body, Anyway?

What ideal body is everyone chasing? Why is summer the deadline to ‘achieve’ it? Why does it matter that the pandemic is ending? These questions only give way to more uncertainty, and the answers change continually. You are beautiful, and this summer (just like every other) you will look amazing in your bathing suit. Working out incessantly or following an extreme diet for the next two months will not change that. When you hang out with friends, they are going to be looking at you and marveling at the novelty of seeing your face in-person, not focusing on your weight or how you look in a bikini.

So, as we approach the summer months, choose to be happy! Focus on the positives and try to find joy in these last few weeks of restrictions. Make plans to go celebrate life instead of focussing on a workout or meal plan. There is enough pressure present in everyone’s lives without adding the ridiculous notion that you need to lose weight. Love yourself and learn to feel confident in your own skin. If you want to have a bikini body: go find a bikini, put it on, and rock it!

Francesca Lavelle

St. Andrews '23

Francesca is a third-year studying Management at the University of St. Andrews from New Jersey. Writing for HerCampus allows her to write more creatively than she does in classes about topics that interest her ranging from arts/culture to money and career.
The University of St Andrews chapter of Her Campus!Â