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Dear Santa, Love a PostGrad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

Dear Santa,

I don’t want a lot for Christmas, there is just one (or ten) thing(s) I need. I don’t care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree! I just want these for my own, more than you can ever know! Make my wish come true- all I want for Christmas is:

  1. 13.5 average in all my essays that I submitted this term on 2 hours sleep
  2. A KICKASS master’s thesis proposal to come to me in my dreams during those said 2 hours sleep
  3. A pair of navy Hunter Boots UK size 5
  4. An army green Barbour jacket UK size 12
  5. A year’s free entrance to the lizard
  6. For nobody to ever recall my books again
  7. 2-4-1 desserts at the Vic
  8. More take-away deals i.e. free stuff with chinese take-away place – spring rolls please!
  9. The St. Andrews Cupcakery to last until next September or until I run out of money – whichever comes first
  10. Sainsbury’s to never run out of white chocolate chip fresh cookies

I won’t ask for much this Christmas, I won’t even wish for snow (hmm that could have been number 11 actually)

I’m just gonna keep on waiting in the middle of St.Salvator’s Quad!

Love, a St. A Postgrad

Hannah is a 4th year student of English Literature and Art History at the University of St Andrews.