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Mermaids Christmas Ball in conversation: All Aboard The Polar Express

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

The hour has changed and it’s dark by 3pm in St Andrews. It’s easier to stress about deadline season than get excited for the festive season. However, with tickets now on sale for Mermaids’ Christmas Ball, things are starting to look a bit more holly-jolly!

In Support of performing arts

In advance of the annual ball, held this year on 27 November, I spoke with Caitlin, Oonaugh and Grace who are all part of this year’s Creative Team. I also spoke with Ellie, the Assistant Logistics Convenor, to discuss what this year’s ball has in store, as well as what makes the event such a classic.

Ellie admired the “wonderful performing arts scene” of St Andrews while admitting that “you won’t be finding me on a stage any time soon.” However, she wanted to contribute given that the Mermaids Performing Arts Fund is “a great cause, who have such an inclusive atmosphere and work so hard to give so much to both St Andrews students and the town.” Indeed, the ball raises funds so that Mermaids can give students access to more performing arts opportunities.

“staple of the St Andrews calendar”

The Creative Team works hard to give the Christmas Ball its esteemed reputation. The ball is so well-loved by the student body that tickets notoriously sell out within minutes. Catilin agreed that it is one of the most “anticipated” events in the calendar as it allows students to celebrate not only Christmas, but the end of teaching of semester one. Oonagh also noted that the ball is special because, hosted by Mermaids, it has a “theatrical feel.” Not only that, but the theme also changes every year and is constructed in a way that students “feel fully absorbed into that world.”

This year is set to be more splendid than ever, with the theme of The Polar Express. According to Caitlin, the Team “lives and breathes the theme of the ball”. Indeed, the team get into the Christmas spirit as early as October. This is exciting for Oonaugh who relishes in the opportunity to bring to life “the staple of the St Andrews calendar.”

This year, the Creative Team wants to incorporate aspects of the theme into each part of Kinkell Byre’s spaces to make it feel “special whilst maintaining a sense of cohesion.” There is plenty for guests to look forward to, with Grace hinting at “golden tickets, train rides and icy expanses.”

Behind the Scenes

The feeling of the ball may be magical, but planning doesn’t happen with a wave of a wand; the team puts a lot of work in. The Creative Team spends at least four hours a week together bringing the vision to life, using each other’s strengths, and paying an enormous amount of attention to everything in order to ensure a truly special end result.

Caitlin expanded on the process behind the scenes.

The Creative Assistant Convenor and the Creative Assistants first discuss the theme and its key elements, ensuring ideas are feasible.

“As the Creative Assistant Convenor, I then outline this in accordance with the budget and then all that is left is to form our subcommittee, start purchasing the materials and getting started on making everything. We spend a couple of 2-4 hour long sessions together where we focus on the big projects. Everyone also has a collection of materials at home to continuously make small details that just help bring the theme to life.”

Ellie acknowledged that the planning of the event can be stressful:

“It can be very intense when it comes to organising things. Just the sheer scale of Christmas ball as an event is, I must confess, quite intimidating.”

Nonetheless, the hard work is not without its enjoyment.

Grace says that her favourite part of being on the Creative Team is “trying to figure out how to pull off an ambitious project. Brainstorming and then actually constructing pieces that will be featured in the ball’s decor is rewarding”.

Working with other team members also makes the work worthwhile.

“The committee have been so welcoming,” emphasised Ellie, “I’ve been able to contribute my ideas and combine with their experience, but I have definitely learnt a lot on the job.” It’s all a very collaborative project, everyone is important and there to support one another.”

It’s clear that the support within the “tightly knit” team makes it easier to plan a fabulous event for attendees.

Experience the magic of christmas

When asked to describe the ball in one word, both Caitlin and Grace said “magical,” which shows how in tune the team are with one another. Oonaugh decided on “jingling,” which makes sense given that the theme reminds her of “hot chocolate and sleigh bells.” Ellie couldn’t resist giving three words: “Shiny, Nostalgic and Heart-warming.”

One thing is certain, we can’t wait for the Polar Express to stop at St Andrews.

Emma Gatrell

St. Andrews '24

Hi, I'm Emma! I'm studying History at St Andrews. Things I love include good books, cats, and drinking lots of tea.