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Review: A Cappella Christmas Concert

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

On Thursday night, Venue 1 was packed full of students eager to hear what our famous A Cappella groups had to offer for their annual Christmas Concert. All five St Andrews groups performed, along with special guests Choral Stimulation from Glasgow University. 

First up were The Accidentals, back from promoting Pitch Perfect in London. They lit up the stage with their take on Christmas music as well as a slightly modified version of Kayne and Jay Z. 

Next up were The Alleycats. The group sported a fantastic array of Christmas Jumpers, and wowed the crowd with their A Cappella genius. 

The Hummingbirds were the last act before the interval, and they did not disappoint. Their parody about finding a boyfriend in St Andrews had the audience in stiches!

After the interval, in which the union serverd some delicious mulled wine, the Vocal Bandits were the first group to take the stage. The group is unauditioned, and is much larger than the other groups. They held their own however, and put us all in the Christmas Spirit once again. 

Choral Stimulation from Glasgow were great. They combined amazing singing with a touch of humor. Their A Cappella version of The Lonley Island’s ‘I Just Had Sex’ was a highlight of the evening.

The final group to perform, The Other Guys serenaded us with traditional and more modern Christmas music. Two of the songs are available on their Christmas Album. 

If you didn’t make it to this concert, you missed out. Don’t worry though, all of the groups will be performing again at the Voice Festival in the spring. I’ll see you there! 

Hannah is a 4th year student of English Literature and Art History at the University of St Andrews.