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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

Did you know that our small town of St. Andrews is actually home to thirteen meerkats? If this fact surprises you, that means you haven’t paid the local aquarium a visit yet! Wildlife sightings in St. Andrews – besides food-stealing seagulls – can be a bit uncommon if you don’t know where to look, but luckily the aquarium is the perfect place to see all sorts of different animals. A small building wedged between the cliffs and West Sands, the aquarium goes unnoticed by many. And so, allow me to explain why this hidden gem is a great way to spend the afternoon, with your friends or even by yourself!

Firstly, the aquarium is home to a wide array of animals – not just fish – that you would not normally find in Scotland. The meerkats are but one example of exotic mammals: the aquarium also has a pair of pygmy marmosets! There is also a variety of reptile life housed at the aquarium, including crocodiles, iguanas, snakes, and more. So, don’t let the word “aquarium” throw you off, because there are plenty of non-aquatic animals to see. The aquatic animals aren’t boring, either, though: the aquarium boasts penguin, seal, octopus, and turtle exhibits. Not to mention arrays of colorful fish. In fact, it is scientifically proven that watching fish can help lower your blood pressure and reduce stress, making an afternoon at the aquarium a perfect way to relax from the pressures that uni life can bring. Between the calming effects of the fish and the adorable meerkats, you’re sure to leave feeling better than when you came in. 

During freshers week last year, my flatmates and I decided to take a break from the drinking and nights out to opt for a daytime bonding activity. We all went to the aquarium, and looking at the animals and chatting together was a great way to get to know each other better! Whether you want to find out what animals your friends like best, get some alone time, or even go on a first date, the aquarium offers a world of possibilities. It also has animal feeding experiences for an additional price, where you and your friends can get up close and personal with the meerkats or penguins. 

On the aquarium’s website, it says they are “Scotland’s only family owned aquarium”, which is not only a fun fact but also means that buying a ticket helps to support a family business that has been running for over two decades. The family is dedicated to the care and well being of their 120+ creatures. Conclusively, visiting the aquarium is a win-win for everyone. What are you waiting for?

Ella Frazier

St. Andrews '25

Ella is a 2nd year St. Andrews student studying English and Film.