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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Edward's chapter.

Hippo Campus is an indie rock band that has just released their second album within in the last month and it is amazing. Their lead title track from this album, Bambi, describes someone struggling with feeling like they have messed their entire life up and that they are being a burden to their friends and those around them. The upbeat tempo of the song help to mask the deeper meaning of the lyrics which goes along with the feelings that the person in the song is feeling. Most of the other songs in their discography explore similar topics and also have incredible beats.

Recommended Songs: Bambi, Anxious, Boyish, and Buttercup.


Maggie Rogers falls under the singer songwriter category, but I believe that her music does not really fit into one specific category due to how complex her songs are. Her most popular song, and the one that shocked Pharrell Williams, is called Alaska and it uses samples from nature and other organic sounds. The use of these sounds is a common theme throughout her small body of work but it is also what sets her apart from other musicians in the same field.

Recommended Songs: On+Off, Split Stones, Give a Little, and Fallingwater.


Tom Misch is an indie producer and musician based in England. His music is somewhat electronic sounding but also true to the indie and alternative music sense. I stumbled upon Tom Misch through a cover done by another artist that I love and decided to check out the original song. While the cover was acoustic and raw the original song, to my surprise, was more upbeat and had some interesting incorporations of electronic instruments.

Recommended Songs: South of the River, Lost In Paris, Sunshine, and You’re On My Mind.

Cayley Pool

St Edward's '22

Hi my name is Cayley. I really enjoy looking at cute animal pictures and drinking coffee!