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Meet Josiah!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Edward's chapter.

I’ve been lucky enough to have this awesome guy in loads of my classes, he’s just as nice as he is hard working. Here’s a bit more about Josiah :)

Age: 21

Major: Business Management

Hometown: Rogers, TX

Favorite movie: Lone Survivor

If you had a theme song, what would it be? 

Gonna Fly Now from Rocky

Why did you choose St. Ed’s? 

I was offered a good baseball scholarship!

How are you involved on campus?

Mainly all I have time for is baseball, I don’t do a whole lot on campus besides that. 

If you could give incoming freshman one piece of advice, what would it be?

Work hard for what you want and be committed, don’t take anything for granted. 

What is your favorite and least favorite thing about Austin?

My favorite thing about Austin is the good food and least favorite is the traffic.

What is your favorite place to eat/who has the best queso?

My favorite place to eat is Home Slice and I’m not a big fan of queso. 


If you run into Josiah, make sure to say hey- cause even though he somehow hates queso? He’s cool

Hannah Saada

St Edward's '18

Hannah is passionate about gender equity and is a Marketing major at St. Edward's University. She's currently the President for HC at her university. Friends can attest she's a serious Netflix addict and 80s movies are close to her heart. When she's not binge watching a new show, you'll either catch her reading or laughing at terrible puns. [S]he's a righteous dude. Follow Hannah on Instagram at @han_saada